Open Web Award 2011

Call for radical, creative and innovative art works.

Deadline: 31/07/2010

Transmediale in collaboration with Mozilla have recently announced the creation of the Open Web Award 2011 a special third platform for creative excellence alongside the transmediale Award 2011 and the Vilém Flusser Theory Award 2011.

The Open Web Award is a new platform for radical, creative and innovative art works and projects that:

  • are on the web and about the web
  • use open and free technology
  • incite participation and/or collaboration

Proposals may be critical, celebratory or both. Projects should have the potential to demonstrate and/or objectively critique the potential of open web issues, and those employing the creative use of HTML5 and other developing ‘open’ technologies will be given specific consideration. The point is to play with both the idea and materiality of the (open) web in ways that spark new thinking and practice.

The transmediale Award 2011 seeks original, innovative and visionary art works across a wide scope of form, process and practice. Works that embrace, question and enrich our understanding of and relationship to our globally complex, media immersed and technologically diverse society, and are exemplary of a high standard of critical digital practice are encouraged.


Strongly encouraged are entries from artists and researchers, coders and activists operating in countries and regions in which critical digital art and culture are emergent.


The Award comes with a total prize of 5000 EURO, with the Open Web Award 2011 winner also given the opportunity to have supported status on Drumbeat.


First read the terms and conditions (these are the same as for the Transmediale Award and the Vilem Flusser Award). In order to enter, the applicant you must first register as a site user. Applications are accepted from individuals, groups, or collectives as well as recognised organisations or individuals acting on behalf of entrants. More than one work may submitted by the same artist/applicant, using a separate application for each work.

For more information, click here.

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