Global Volunteer Network

Deadline: 15/07/2010
Open to: candidates over 18 years of age
Scholarship: up to US $5,000

The Global Scholarship Fund is an initiative of Global Volunteer Network (GVN) and World Wealth Foundation (WWF).  Together, GVN and WWF are providing scholarships for global citizens who are passionate about social change. Each scholarship is designed to provide scholars with the tools and support necessary to develop their passion into projects with lasting positive change. The World Wealth Foundation provides opportunities to developing nations and those eager to help communities in need. Their focus is to help alleviate poverty and empower communities by providing them with self-sustaining opportunities. The World Wealth Foundation is offering five scholarships in July 2010. Scholarships will include a GVN volunteer placement (up to one month) and a week-long GVN Be The Change Course at one of our locations around the world.


* Scholarships will be available for participants from both developed and developing countries. If you are 18 years of age or over then you are eligible to apply.


Up to US$ 5,000 will be awarded for each scholarship

* US$1500 for GVN Volunteer Placement
* US$2000 for GVN/GVN Foundation Be The Change Conference
* Up to US$1500 for travelling expenses.

How to apply:

* All interested candidates need to create their own account. In order to do so click here and fill in the contact information in the upper right corner.
* Once the account is created, follow the steps given in the online application.
* The application deadline is 15/07/2010.

Application assessment criteria:

* Motivation for joining program
* Leadership qualities
* Experience and skills
* Passion and enthusiasm for his/her project or idea
* Presentation (video application required)


* In order to contact the Global Scholarship Fund with any further queries click here.

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