Doctoral thesis competition on authorities in the EU

Deadline: 21/05/2010

The Committee of the Regions holds a thesis competition under the theme “Local and regional authorities in the European Union” in order to promote dialogue with academics across Europe.
The competition aims to reward doctoral theses defended at a university in an EU Member State.

A non-exhaustive list of the topics covered may include: economic, social and territorial cohesion, trans-European infrastructure and transport networks, health, education, culture, research, innovation, employment, entrepreneurship, economic growth, transport, public services, the environment, sustainable development, vocational training, compliance with the principles of subsidiarity and good governance, decentralisation, territorial cooperation, and communication on European issues.


# the competition is opened to the holders of a doctorate obtained at a university in an EU country.
# the theses must be written in one of the EU’s official languages.

Participants must supply in duplicate:
# the full text on paper and in PDF format (CD-ROM)
# an abstract setting out the main arguments of the thesis (maximum 3 pages), written in English or French,
# a curriculum vitae in English or French
# a certificate confirming that the doctorate has been awarded.

# An independent selection board has been set up comprising of university professors and/or lecturers and at least one CoR member or alternate.
# The winner of the first prize will receive EUR 6000. The selection board may also award up to four merit prizes of EUR 2000.
# The prizes shall be awarded by the President of the Committee of the Regions. The official presentation ceremony will take place during a CoR plenary session, to which the prize winners will be invited.

Home page and application.

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