Brunei Darussalam Government MA, PhD Scholarships

The Government of Brunei Darussalam is offering annual scholarships under a special scholarship award scheme, commencing in academic session.

Deadline: 28/02/2010
Open to: citizens of ASEAN, OIC, Commonwealth Member Countries and others in the age of 18 – 25
Fund: full scholarship

The aim of the Scholarship awards is to provide students, with the opportunity to study at Universiti Brunei Darussalam [UBD], Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali [UNISSA] and Institut Teknologi Brunei [ITB]. The Scholarship award is normally according to the duration of the specific programme which is e.g.  four years for an Honours First Degree, one to two years for a Master’s Degree, three years for a Doctoral programme etc.

Applicants must be citizens of ASEAN, OIC, Commonwealth Member Countries and others and must be between the ages of 18 – 25 at the commencement of the academic session for which they are applying for admission. However, under exceptional case, the age limit requirement may be waived for candidates who are applying for Masters and PhD Programmes.
The awards are NOT eligible to Brunei Permanent Residents and foreigners residing in Brunei Darussalam for more than three months.


Applicants must satisfy the general entry requirements and specific entry requirements as set for each programme. Applicants must also note that fulfilling the general entry requirements and specific entry requirements does not guarantee entry into UBD’s programmes as admission to all programme is competitive and limited subject to availability of space.

Entry Requirements for Master Degree Programmes:
The minimum requirement for Master Degree Programmes is normally a relevant Bachelor’s Degree with Honours or its equivalent from institutions recognised by the University Senate. Applicants who do not posses a Second Class Honours Degree may be considered, provided they have relevant working experience and passes other academic or professional qualifications deemed suitable and equivalent for the purpose of admission to the programme.

For entry to English medium masters degree programme, applicants must be able to show English Language Proficiency ( at least a credit 6 in English Language at GCE ‘O’ Level Examination or a grade ‘C’ in IGCSE English (as a Second Language) or IELTS score of 6.0 or TOEFL minimum overall score of at least 550.

Entry Requirements for Ph. D. Programmes:
The minimum requirement is normally a relevant Master’s Degree or an Upper Second Class Bachelor’s Degree with Honours or its equivalent from institutions recognized by the University Senate.
Applicants are also required to submit a detailed research proposal which is normally expected to include the following topics: proposed title; rationale; aims and methodology; literature review; preliminary bibliography; provisional timetable; provisional table of contents; and an indication of any special requirements for the study.
The duration of a Ph. D. programme is normally 3 to 5 years full-time.


Entry Requirements for Master Degree programmes:
Applicants must have obtained a First Degree with at least a Second Class Honour or ‘Jayyid’ in the relevant discipline; or have a First Degree in the relevant discipline and had not less than three (3) years working experience in related fields.

Applicant applying for admission to Arabic-medium degree programmes may be required to sit and pass an Arabic Language Test. Applicant applying for admission to English-medium degree programmes should also obtained at least a credit 6 in English Language at IGCSE or an IELTS score of 6.0 or TOEFL minimum overall score of 550.

Interest applicants for Master programmes by Research only are abvised to consult the Admission Office of UNISSA before making formal application.

Entry requirements for Ph. D programmes:
Applicants must have obtained relevant Master’s degree from institusions recognized by the University Senate. Applicants who obtained the relevant First Degree with First Class Honours may be considered


Entry Requirements for First Degree programmes:
At least Credit Passes in five GCE Ordinary Level subjects which must include Mathematics, and at least three GCE Advanced Level passes all at grade C or better or equivalent qualifications relevant to degree programme applied (obtained within the last two years),
At least a Credit in English Language at GCE Ordinary Level examination or an average score of 6.5 and above in the British Council IELTS obtained within the last two years or TEOFL minimum overall score 550 or its equivalent.

Application forms can be obtained from the Brunei Darussalam Diplomatic Missions and representatives of Brunei Darussalam or from the following address:

Technical Assistance Department
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Bandar Seri Begawan BD2710
Brunei Darussalam
Tel/Fax No.: (6732) 381412
website :
Email :

The application form must be duly completed and endorsed by the relevant authorities of the applicants country. E.g. Ministry of Foreign Affaris or the relevant agency responsible for the Negara Brunei Darussalam Scholarship in your country.

Download the Scholarship Application Form

More detailed info

Deadline: undefined
Open to: itizens of ASEAN, OIC, Commonwealth Member Countries and others in the ages of 18 – 25
Fund: full

13 thoughts on “Brunei Darussalam Government MA, PhD Scholarships

  1. Sir/Madam:

    Can I know who qualified/passed the Brunei Darussalam scholarship 2010-2011 Academic Session (Master in Environmental Management) among the applicants from the Philippines? Please reply. Tanx and God speed.

  2. Assalam o Alikum

    Dear Sir,

    i have joined UNISSA on self funding for MA Shariah 2010,

    I request your excellency to please give me scholarship for yaer 2010/2013.

    Your Sincerely,

    Hassan Shakeel Shah,

    from; Pakistan.

    1. Dear,

      Mladiinfo is a student portal that publishes information on different scholarship opportunities for students and is not included in the
      application and selection process.

      In order to apply for a specific scholarship you need to write to the University.

      In this case, the deadline was 28/02/2010.

  3. Dear sir/mdam Salam

    i am a student from Afghanistan nowadays studying in international islamic university Islamabad Pakistant

    this is my last semester of Bachelor Degree but i want to do master in Brunei ( sultan sharif Ali university )

    i cann't do it by selfinance so kindly guide me and help me that

    HOw can i get admission by scholarship ????

    i am waity your respones

    thank you

  4. As-salam Alaykum,
    Please i will like to have information of when the Scholarship for PhD will be out this year 2011 so that i can apply.
    I am a citizen of Nigeria from Africa, I had my first and second degree in Computer Science from one of the best University in Nigeria.Obafemi Awolowo University with a good grade.Hope to hear from you soon.
    Ma salam
    Ewenla O.A

  5. hello..i would like to ask what's the minimum requirements for UBD entrance?i mean what's the minimum point for A'Level?thanks..and what's the career when im interested in mathematics ONLY?thanks..

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