Congress on Rural Health, Albania

3rd  International Congress on Rural Health in Mediterranean and Balkan Countries
Tirana, Albania
September 22 – 25, 2010

Deadline for abstracts and proposals: April 30, 2010

The Congress’ theme will be “From Transition to Sustainable Development: Healthy Farmers producing Healthy Food in a Healthy Environment”.

The event will be of the paramount importance for the whole network on Rural Health, and in particular for the Mediterranean and Balkan area, since the all the key topic related with transition to sustainable development in this area of the world will be raised and discussed by scientists of different disciplines together with public Health Personnel and stakeholders.

We have requested the participation of the most important organizations active in Rural Health, and the patronage of the World Health Organization, the International Labor Office, and the Albanian Ministry of Health, Albanian Ministry of Agriculture, Albanian State Labour Inspectorate within Ministry of Labor Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, Directorate of Science within Ministry of Education and Science.

For more information, visit the website.

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