University College London

university  college london

University College, London (UCL) was founded in 1826 as a drastically different university, opening up English higher education for the first time to people of all beliefs and social backgrounds. That tradition remains alive today. UCL is a modern institution, one of the world’s leading multidisciplinary universities. 21 Nobel prize winners have come from the UCL University.Around 34% of UCL students come from outside the UK, attracted from nearly 140 countries around the globe. Their research, also, reaches the farthest spots of the world; from the conservation of antiquities in Iraq to the transformation of engineering research in Kazakhstan.Student life at the university is challenging. UCL provide the opportunity and leadership in teaching and research, entrepreneurship, volunteering and overseas study.


Applicants should apply as early as they are able; the number of places on each programme is limited. Overseas applicants should note that if accepted by UCL, entry clearance to the UK can take a considerable amount of time and therefore applications should be made as early as possible. Applicants who need to meet funding deadlines should submit their applications in good time and certainly no later than five weeks before a funding deadline or 1 March, whichever is the earlier.

The list of deadlines for different programs

International students

International students are advised to apply as early as possible – ideally nine to 12 months prior to the start of the degree programme. Early application for admission will help students meet any required deadlines for applying for degree programmes, for UCL accommodation and for any scholarship or funding applications.
The International Office is here to assist with any advice or information you may need about applying to and studying at UCL. Members of UCL staff regularly attend events overseas to provide information and advice about UCL and you can find out if we will be visiting your part of the world at:

Visit International page of UCL


Types of Funding

Funding is open to prospective and current UCL students, but they also provide information about schemes that are available for study at any UK universities.
Funding schemes include scholarships, awards, prizes, medals, bursaries, and loans.
UCL defines scholarships, awards, prizes and medals as schemes which award funding on the basis of applicants’ academic achievements and potential; scholarships will normally be of a higher value than prizes and medals. Prizes and medals are usually awarded to current students only.
Bursaries, grants and loan schemes take account of applicants’ financial circumstances.

Eligibility Criteria
For most funding schemes, only students currently enrolled and/or candidates holding an offer of admission to UCL for the relevant academic year as specified in the scholarship descriptions can be considered for funding.
It is therefore strongly recommended that applications for admission to UCL are submitted as early as possible, and certainly no later than four weeks before a scholarship/funding application deadline to ensure an offer of a place has been made when applying for funding.
Applicants without an offer of admission to UCL when applying for funding may be excluded from the competition.
Several funding schemes are open to students to pay or contribute towards their tuition fees, either at the UK/EU “home” rate or at the overseas rate. Fee status will be assessed on the basis of your application for admission to UCL (see above), and will be shown in your offer of admission. Unless indicated otherwise, funding schemes are open to UK, EU and overseas applicants.

See the list of available scholarships


University College London
Gower Street
London WC1E 6BT

+44 20 7679 2000

Official website

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