Sapienza University of Rome

Sapienza University of Rome is the largest university in Europe and the oldest of Rome’s three state-funded universities. Sapienza was founded in 1303, more than six centuries before and it has a wide range of fields of study that includes 370 first cycle and second cycle degrees and over 300 professional university masters . It carries out scientific research in various fields of knowledge from pure science to technical branches and classical studies, historical, philosophic and economic-juridical subjects, from Sociology to Psychology, from Communication Sciences to Medicine.

A big number from the 145,000 students attending the University come from abroad: there are more than 5,000 foreign students and incoming and outgoing Erasmus students are about 1,000 per year. There are more than 4,500 professors and the administrative and technical staff counts approximately 5,000 people.

How to apply

Enrollment conditions and procedures vary according to candidates’ place of residence and depending upon the type of course chosen  (Degree programmes, Specialisation schools, Master courses, PhD). Students should apply to the foreign  Qualifications Secretary  for the first administrative procedures. After that they should pass an Italian test as well as an admission test.

Students from Non-EU Countries should apply to the diplomatic delegation of their country of origin prior to the deadline established by the MAE circular letter. The applications are then passed on to the University, by which they are examined and assessed. The assessment results are communicated to the delegations, that contact students and issue for them study visa.

Once they have arrived in Italy, students should pass an Italian test  and, if required, an admission test. The international student advisory office enrols the student for the admission test (students from Non-EU Countries are exempted from payment of Euro 26,00 enrollment fee  for the admission test).

Foreign students enrolled and living in Italy or other EU Countries should follow the same procedures as Italian students: they just have to obtain the validation of their qualification.


Student Scholarships and Exchanges

Scholarships are available to students from EU and non-EU countries holding a first cycle degree obtained from foreign universities and wishing to enrol in a second cycle degree programme at Sapienza.
Within the initiative “Attracting the best ones”, established by the Sapienza Strategic Development Plan 2007-2012 developed by the Strategic Assessment Team, 23 annual scholarships, worth 5,000 Euro each, have been made available for EU and extra-EU students wishing to enrol in a second cycle degree programme at Sapienza. Applicants must have attained all of the following entry requirements. They must:
•    have obtained a first cycle degree with full marks from a foreign university
•    live abroad
•    being not older than 26 years
•    have enrolled in a second cycle degree programme at Sapienza

At present Sapienza manages more than 1000 inter-institutional agreements for the LLP Erasmus project signed with more than 400 universities in all the Countries joining the programme. Every year there are more than   1000 out coming and incoming students. The teacher’s mobility is also increasing.
Sapienza offers to international students, several opportunities to spend a study or research period in its premises.
•    LLP Erasmus
•    Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Windows
•    Erasmus Mundus Master Courses
•    Interuniversity Bilateral Agreements – Additional Protocols for student mobility

Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”
Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma
T (+39) 06 49911

Offical Website


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