Roma Education Fund Seeks a Consultant Research Assistant

Deadline: 6 April 2015
Open to: Applicant with bachelor degree in a field related to social sciences or humanities
Scholarship: textbooks, exam fees, and partially living expenses.


The Roma Education Fund (REF) seeks a consultant research assistant for a six-month period. The selected applicant will be expected to start the activity at REF by mid-April 2015 and be based in Budapest.The selected consultant research assistant shall join the research team working on the preparation of a tracer study for Roma Health Scholarship Program (RHSP), the REF scholarship scheme for medical students that was launched in 2008 and that has been implemented in Bulgaria, Macedonia, Romania and Serbia. Having a main objective to investigate the degree in which the RHSP scheme contributed to a successful academic trajectory of its beneficiaries, as well as the degree in which its beneficiaries managed to enter the job market after graduating medical studies, the respective tracer study will focus on the following three questions:

  • To what extent has the RHSP support been critical for its beneficiaries to stay enrolled in tertiary education and to graduate successfully;
  • To what extent have RHSP beneficiaries succeeded in integrating in the professional world after obtaining medical education degrees;
  • Have RHSP beneficiaries been active in supporting Roma inclusion in general, by working with/for Roma communities in particular, during their studies and/or in their working environment? How did the RHSP influence on beneficiaries’ ethnic identity?

The role of the research assistant during the implementation of the tracer study will contain, but not be limited to, the following activities:

  • Providing assistance for the preparation of the study survey questionnaire and focus groups;
  • Conducting desktop research on topics relevant for the tracer study;
  • Participating in the statistical analysis of RHSP administrative data relevant for the tracer study;
  • Keeping constant communication with RHSP country coordinators and other Program stakeholders for various issues related to the tracer study;
  • Preparing the survey questionnaire database for the statistical analysis (coding variables, translating beneficiaries’ answers, etc);
  • Participating in the preparation of the tracer study intermediary and final reports.


For this position are required the following qualifications and experience:

  • Bachelor degree in a field related to social sciences or humanities;
  • Fluent written and spoken English;
  • Fluency in at least one of the RHSP country languages (Bulgarian, Macedonian, Romanian or Serbian);
  • Excellent knowledge of Microsoft Office programs, particularly Excel;
  • Good analytical skills and attention to details;
  • Fluency in Romani language;
  • Familiarity with Roma-related issues, with the Decade of Roma Inclusion, and working experience with Roma NGOs;
  • Experience with conducting research.


The RHSP scholarship is meant to cover school-related expenses such as textbooks, exam fees, and partially living expenses.

How to apply?

Interested candidates shall send their cover letter (maximum 1 page) and their CV (maximum 2 pages) to, indicating in the email subject line: “RHSP tracer study – research assistant.

For more informations please check the official web-site.

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