Roberto Cimetta Fund for Mobility

Deadline: Every 5 to 6 weeks
Open to: all professionals, artists or cultural operators in all fields of contemporary arts in the Mediterranean
Grant: individual travel grants – arts mobility, travel, meeting with other professionals

The Roberto Cimetta Fund is an international association promoting artistic exchange and the mobility of professionals in the field of contemporary performing arts and visual arts within the Mediterranean area.

In the Mediterranean region, the frontier region between the Arab, European and Turkish worlds, mobility is an historic reality and an absolute necessity today. It is essential to give shape to the concept of « the dialogue between cultures » and to ensure that individuals really meet ; more concretely this means to make financial resources available to facilitate travel, to capitalise on the opportunities for professional gathering, but also to recognise the free circulation of culture professionals as an integral part of their work. These are amongst the objectives of the Roberto Cimetta Fund.

Arts mobility, travel, meeting with other professionals are all aspects of artistic vitality. In a region where artists are often confronted with economically difficult situations, the Roberto Cimetta Fund supports and encourages travel which allows culture professionals to find the opportunities, partners and means to realise personal or collective projects; thus facilitating networking, exchanges of experience and cultural and artistic cooperation.

With the support of a number of partners, the Roberto Cimetta Fund has set up a programme for awarding individual travel grants. These cover travel and visa costs for trips such as attending professional cultural network meetings, workshops, artist’s residences, symposiums etc. The programme is intended to operate simply, flexibly and quickly. Selections are organised regularly (every 5 to 6 weeks).


The Roberto Cimetta Fund organises professional platforms for comparing experience and knowledge on regional artistic issues in the Mediterranean.

If you apply on one of the two priority strands listed below you will have more chance of being successful if your application fits the criteria of these strands. If your project or travel aims do not fit either of these strands then your application will be examined under the general funding line which is multidirectional, transdisciplinary and open to candidacies from all EU countries, all countries around the Mediterranean and Arabian Gulf countries (see list under “travel grant for whom?” section).

Priority strand one
Priority is given to artists and operators coming from or going to the following cities and countries :

* Algeria (Algiers)
* Armenia (Gumri)
* Israel (Haifa)
* Italy (Province of Genova)
* Morocco (Marrakech)
* Palestine (Bethlehem)
* Tunisia (Tunis)

Priority strand two
Priority is given to artists and operators whose travel aims or projects can link into the Marseille-Provence, European capital of culture 2013 events, themes or the region (which encompasses 130 local communities from Arles to Hyères, through St. Remy de Provence and the Pays d’Aix. See MP2013 website for detailed map). If the applicant is travelling from South to South (ie from Maghreb to Near East or vice versa) or from South to East ((ie Balkans to Near East including Turkey, or Maghreb including Egypt and vice versa) then chances of making a successful application are even higher.


The travel grant programme is addressed to all professionals, artists or cultural operators in all fields of contemporary arts in the Mediterranean (the countries on the north shore from Portugal to Turkey, and on the south side from the Near East to the Maghreb). European professionals may apply but only if their project has a strong Mediterranean connection. The Roberto Cimetta Fund travel grants are individual – they are granted to specific individuals and not to organisations. The application must therefore be filled in and sent by the person desiring the grant. A maximum of three applications linked to the same project will be accepted (participants for short term training events, for example), but the selection will be based on the merit of each individual personally: he/she must clearly describe their career path, motivations and personal objectives.
The project must involve one of the following artistic disciplines

  • contemporary performing arts : new theatrical forms, new writing for theatre, dramaturgy, contemporary dance, circus, street performances in situ, puppet theatre and inter-disciplinary projects,
  • visual arts including photography, film, digital arts, video arts
  • literature : especially travel for authors’ meetings, writing workshops, poetry…

The exchange must take place in the Euro-Mediterranean area

  • the 27 countries of the European Union- the Southern and Eastern countries of the Mediterranean: Turkey, Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Israel, Algeria, Libya
  • Balkan countries that are not members of the EU: Serbia, Albania, FYROM (Macedonia), Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, Kosovo, Croatia.
  • The countries of the Arabian Gulf (UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Yemen, Bahrain, Oman).

Applicants’ profile

  • nationality: the selection committee does not take into account the nationality of the applicants but the country where they live and work (see the list above).
  • age: no age limit, but the selection committee prefers to support professionals who are starting their professional careers and who have not already developed their access to international professional networks.
  • profession: artists (interpreters, creators, teachers, writers), cultural operators (organizers, managers).
  • projects: projects at a professional level.
  • financial means: priority is given to applicants who do not have access to other funds supporting their travel, and to those who are the most artistically and economically isolated.

The applications must be made by an individual
Up to three applicants from the same organization or project can apply for a travel bursary related to the same project, but their applications will be evaluated separately according to their individual professional pathway
The travel grant

RCF will only reimburse one international return travel ticket and visa costs (no reimbursement for local transport costs, registration fees, accommodation, per diem…). The amount reimbursed is the amount you estimate on the application form. You must choose the cheapest way to travel (economy class…).

How to apply?

The request must be written and sent by the individual applicant him/herself and not by an organisation.
The process is quite simple and fast (about one month).

  • to know the date of the coming session in advance, check on webpages or contact the coordinator
  • Use one of the application forms which you will find at the end of this text. The application forms correspond to the priority strands that are indicated in the “priorities” webpage. Use the blue arrow to help you navigate down to the bottom of this text. Just click on the link and download the document. Fill it in carefully and provide the correct and concise information.
  • Fill it in in French or English.
  • Send it by e-mail to

Required documents

  • the application form, completely filled in
  • If possible an invitation letter from the organisers of this event.


The dates of the sessions of selection are indicated on the site and are subject to change so check regularly.  Late applications won’t be submitted.

Application forms

Click here to download the application form for the RC fund.
Click here to download the application form for strand 1.
Click here to download the application form for strand 2.
The filled form has to be sent to before the next deadline.

Click here for more information.

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