WZB/ISSC Global Fellowship Programme for Devoloping Countries

Deadline: 15 September 2014
Open to: postdoctoral social scientists researchers, residing and working in a developing country
Fellowship: grant for up to 6 months, travel costs, accommodation, work place, support to participate in the World Social Science Forum 2015


The WZB Berlin Social Science Center in cooperation with The International Social Science Council  is seeking applications for their Global Fellowship Programme. The aim of the programme is to build a new generation of outstanding social scientists in developing countries who are willing and able to solve current global problems.

The WZB-ISSC Global Fellowship Programme enables an outstanding early-career social scientist from a developing country to spend four to six months in the exciting and stimulating environment of an exceptional social science research organisation in the heart of Germany.

The research project of the fellow should focus on global societal problems with particular relevance to developing country contexts. Moreover, it should be linked to both research conducted at the WZB and to the notion of “Transforming Global Relations for a Just World,” which is the topic of the ISSC’s World Social Science Forum 2015.


The fellowship is open to postdoctoral social scientists researchers with no more than 5 years of work experience after their PhD or scientists without a PhD but with an equivalent level of research experience, residing and working in a developing country.


The WZB offers a grant for up to six months at a level commensurate with a German Post-Doctoral researcher. Travel costs to and from Berlin, accommodation (up to 500 Euros) and a work place will also be covered.

The selected fellow will receive support to participate in the World Social Science Forum 2015.


In order to apply candidates should submit the following documents:

  • A summary of their main research and teaching contributions, indicating how these relate to the research topics at the WZB.
  • A letter of motivation.
  • Two letters of recommendation from current or past senior colleagues.
  • A curriculum vitae.
  • An indication of their English language proficiency.
  • Agreement from your home institution to the research stay in Germany.

All documents should be submitted electronically (preferably in one pdf document) to: international.affairs@wzb.eu

The deadline to apply is 15 September 2014.

For further information please visit the official website.

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