Berghof Foundation Grants for Conflict Studies

Initial Letter of Inquiry: 28/05/2010
Full Application: 27/08/2010
(Eligible candidates only)

Berghof Foundation for Conflict Research funds qualified individuals, organisations and institutions doing cutting-edge research and reflective practice in conflict studies.

The three thematic interests listed below permit us to take a more concentrated approach to what we see as key strategic issues emerging in the field of conflict transformation. By focusing on these areas, we wish to support action research and reflective practice that identifies and elaborates fresh, creative paradigms for inclusive and intergrated approaches that can enhance this field.

These three themes are integral to structural peacebuilding processes, particularly the continued need to extend and develop multi-track approaches to conflict transformation. All are inter-related and mutually reinforcing, thus lending greater coherence to our philanthropic interests.

1) Peacebuilding and reconciliation in post-war societies

2) Transformatuion processes of non-state armed groups into political actors

3) Interactions between state and non-state actors in conflict transformation processes

For more information about these thematic interests and the application procedures for a grant, please visit this website.

Grant Statistics

There is no minimum grant request. Awards range from several hundred euro for very small projects, up to a maximum of €50,000.00 for one year on larger-scale projects. For projects lasting more than one year, we also accept requests for a total funding limit of €100,000.00. The maximum duration of such projects is two years.

Step One: Initial Letter of Inquiry

Applicants must first send in an Initial Letter of Inquiry. This must be a maximum of 3 pages long, typed in font no smaller than 12 point. It should include:

– Brief project description focused on central aims, practical outcomes and dissemination of results
– Short methodological statement, with reference to the time scale of project
– Total amount of grant request, excluding budget breakdown
– Relevant CVs and/or organisational materials of responsible parties (Additional to the 3-page limit).
– Applicant contact details: name, title, address, phone number and email

Letters of Inquiry directed to the Solicited Grants Programme must clearly specify a Thematic Interest. For current list, see Funding Policy.

Post the Initial Letter of Inquiry to:

Review Committee
Berghof Foundation for Conflict Studies
Altensteinstrasse 48a
14195 Berlin, Germany

Or email:

Home page.

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