2 Positions for Dancers, International Tour

International research project Rediscovering Concepts

Open to: male dancers with a very good contemporary dance technique
Deadline: 30/04/2010

DEJA DONNE is looking for 2 male dancers for an International research project Rediscovering Concepts, which will lead to a performance creation/international tour.

The research, the creation, and the international tour of DEJA DONNE will take place in three blocks:
16 August— 07 November 2010
17 January—20 February 2011
04 April—29 May 2011 + International tour after — dates to be confirmed

More specific information about Rediscovering Concepts.

* stage experienced dancers/performers with a very good contemporary dance technique;
* confidence with own movement, confidence with movement through the space, with floorwork, and with work in contact, abilities in composition and performing;
* English speaking ability.

Application procedure
All interested applicants should submit following:
1) CV in English or Italian,
2) Portrait photo,
3) DVD with your dance/movement presentation (already existing works, works for compagnies etc…). The DVD should permit us to see the candidate’s physical and theatrical abilities.

The application deadline is 30th April 2010.

Based on the written applications, dancers will be selected for an audition, which will take place on 28th, 29th and 30th May 2010 in Tuoro sul Trasimeno (Perugia), Italy.

With any further queries contact: dejadonne@dejadonne.com

More detailed info

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