goEast Festival of Central & Eastern European Film

Deadline: 31 December 2013
Open to: filmmakers with film entries from Central and Eastern Europe
Prize: cash prizes of 10,000 EUR, 7,500 EUR, 4,000 EUR


goEast – Festival of Central and Eastern European Film aims at increasing the international audience’s awareness for film-cultural developments in Central and Eastern Europe, and it will facilitate international contacts between filmmakers, thus raising international dialogue, understanding and cultural integration. goEast is organized by Deutsches Filminstitut. The 14th goEast Festival will take place in Wiesbaden, Germany, from 09 to 15 April 2014.


The festival presents current film productions – feature films as well as documentaries – from countries in Central and Eastern Europe as well as co-productions with decisive contributions from those countries. The films will be shown in competition, out of competition and in special programmes. To the competition of documentaries, films produced in Germany and Israel but bearing a clear relation to Central and Eastern Europe can be submitted likewise.

Films must meet the following criteria for entering the competition:

  • Feature films: 35mm, DCP, minimum length of 80 minutes. Exceptions require an authorization of the festival
  • Documentaries: 35mm, DCP, Beta SP, DigiBeta, Blu ray, minimum length of 30 minutes.
  • Production year: 2012, 2013 or 2014.
  • No distribution or TV-broadcasting in Germany before the time of the festival.


  • Škoda Film Award (10,000 euro);
  • the Documentary Award “Remembrance and Future” (10,000 euro),
  • Award of the city of Wiesbaden for Best Director (7,500 euro),
  • Award of the Federal Foreign Office for “artistic originality which creates cultural diversity (4,000 euro).


The deadline for entering feature films and documentaries is 31 December 2013. By then the selection committee must have received: the film on DVD, a completed entry form AVAILABLE HERE with all attachments.  A print of the film is to be sent only after an official invitation has been received. The film print must arrive at least 10 days before the festival starts.

For more information visit the official website HERE.

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