University of Bergen


University of Bergen is situated in the second largest city in Norway, Bergen. It was established as a higher education institution in 1946. It welcomes around 15,000 students. An interesting fact about the University of Bergen is that it is ranked as the 144th best universities in the world out of 9000 universities. It consists of the following faculties: Faculty of Humanities, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Faculty of Psychology, and Faculty of Social Sciences.

How to apply

Applicants interested in enrolling in a Bachelor’s degree program have to prove their Norwegian language proficiency. The admission process takes place through the Norwegian Universities and Colleges Admission Service (NUCAS).
University of Bergen offers around 40 Master’s degree programs taught in English. International students can apply either as a self-financing student or as a student supported by the Quota Scheme. Students have to prove their English language proficiency.


Exchange students and scholarships

University of Bergen is open to students applying through the Erasmus mobility program, the Nordplus program, as well as to students coming from universities that have signed bilateral agreements with the University of Bergen.
Because University of Bergen is a public higher education institution there is no need for students to pay tuition fees. However,  students can apply for financial support through Norad’s Programme for Master Studies (NOMA) and the Quota Scheme to help cover their cost of living.
Central Address:
University of Bergen
P.O.Box 7800
5020 Bergen

Official website

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