The Aftermath Project Photography Grants

Deadline: 11 November 2013
Open to: working photographers worldwide
Grant: $20,000


The Aftermath Project’s mission is to support photographic projects that tell the other half of the story of conflict — the story of what it takes for individuals to learn to live again, to rebuild destroyed lives and homes, to restore civil societies, to address the lingering wounds of war while struggling to create new avenues for peace. Grant proposals should reflect an understanding of this mission.

Proposals may relate to the aftermath of numerous kinds of conflict, not just international wars. The conflict may have been at the community level — for example, violence between rural ethnic groups or an urban riot in an industrialized country. It may have been a regional one, such as a rebel insurgency, or it may have been a full-scale war. There is no specific time frame that defines “aftermath,” although in general The Aftermath Project seeks to support stories which are no longer being covered by the mainstream media, or which have been ignored by the media. In general, conflict should be over for a situation to be deemed an “aftermath.” There are specific cases, however, where conflict may have continued for so long, or be the result of an aftermath situation, that they will be considered to be within the scope of The Aftermath Project. If you have doubts about whether your proposal meets these guidelines, please email

Proposals should include an explanation of the specific aftermath issues related to the project being proposed, as well as an overview of the applicant’s plans for covering the story during the course of the grant year — i.e, the proposed timing of trips, etc. You MUST inform The Aftermath Project if you have any commercial commitments or contracts related to the project you are proposing, including book deals and exhibitions. Failure to do so on the part of a grant winner will automatically terminate the grant, and the winner will forfeit any funds he/she has not yet received from The Aftermath Project.


The Aftermath Project is open to working photographers worldwide who are interested in creating work that helps illuminate aftermath issues, and encourages greater public understanding and discussion of these issues.


The project will be offering one $20,000 grant, and naming four finalists.

The grant winner will receive one half of grant funds at project onset. Winner will be required to submit interim reports by dates designated in award letter and packet, and will receive 40% of their award mid-way through, and the remaining 10% upon delivery of 12 prints at project completion. All grant work MUST be completed by December 31, 2014; photographs must be delivered by January 31, 2015.


The application deadline is 11 November 2013. To file your application, please follow these instructions exactly. Your submission must include:

  • A signed application form AVAILABLE HERE saved and uploaded as a PDF or jpg file.
  • A project proposal, not to exceed two pages, saved and uploaded as a PDF file or uploaded below.
  • A portfolio of no more than 30 images, in jpg format. You must label your images with your last name, followed by a number – ie, Smith_1.jpg. Your images MUST be sized 1024 pixels on the longest side, at 72 dpi – with a file size of NO LARGER than 2 MB PER PHOTO.
  • A caption sheet, saved and uploaded as a PDF file or embeded in attached photos.
  • Do NOT send anything else with your application.

They will announce the grant winner in mid-December. If you have problems submitting your application, please email the founder Sara Terry at, or Managing Director Gretchen Landau, The full terms and conditions and further details are available on the official website HERE.

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