Ethical Food Movements in Postsocialist Settings

Call for: papers
Deadline: 12/04/2010

“Ethical Food Movements in Post-socialist Settings” is a two-day workshop which will be held on 17th and 18th February 2011 at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London and will be hosted by the SOAS Food Studies Centre.

Workshop theme
Despite the expansion of international food trade and trade regimes and the proliferation of ethical food movements across the globe, thus far the research on these movements has tended to focus on the West. In this workshop, we seek to redress this imbalance by bringing together studies of ethical food movements in the post-socialist world, in which we include not only those states in Eastern Europe, Africa and elsewhere, which are no longer ruled by communist parties, but also the “actually existing” socialist countries such as China, Vietnam, and Cuba, which have introduced various pro-market policies. Across the post-socialist world, ethical foods have emerged in a variety of forms and contexts, ranging from popular demands for “natural foods” in response to industrialized and globalized food supply chains, to organized social movements seeking to “reconnect” urban consumers with rural producers, to state-led development initiatives involving agricultural exports to “ethical” consumers abroad.

Contributors to the project will explore discourses and practices surrounding the production, distribution, and consumption of various ethical foods, in relation to themes including:
• the changing relationship between state and market in post-socialist food systems
• certification, regulation and standardization (e.g. food labeling)
• globalization of food trade and regulatory regimes
• food safety, health, and risk
• environmental degradation and environmentalism
• food security
• social differentiation
• social trust and changing moral landscapes
• development discourse and practice
• civil society and social movements
• religious movements
• social memory and nostalgia

There will be twelve paper-presenters. The talks will be divided into six 90-minute panels with two papers in each. Presenters will each speak for 15 minutes, with another 60 minutes of discussion per panel.

Currently the organizers are applying for a grant, if successful, all participants will be reimbursed for travel expenses and provided with accommodation in London.

Submission procedure
All interested applicants to participate in the workshop should submit:
– a title
– 500-word abstract
– CV

All documents should be sent by 12th April 2010 to: Jakob Klein at and Yuson Jung at

For more specific information about workshop or with any further queries contact Jakob Klein at or Yuson Jung at

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