SCOPES Grant Programme for Joint Research Projects

Deadline: 20 September 2013
Open to: researchers working at research institutions in Switzerland and in countries of Eastern Europe, the Western Balkans and the New Independent States of the former Soviet Union
Grants: maximum amount: CHF 300 000 (total of CHF 16 million are available for the programme)


Together with the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), the SNSFhas been promoting co-operation with scientists from Eastern European countries and from the New Independent States of the former Soviet Union (NIS) since 1990 by implementing a scientific co-operation programme in six consecutive phases. The commitment, which is part of a wider effort to strengthen economic, scientific and cultural ties between Switzerland and Eastern Europe and NIS is now being renewed.

Compared with the former phases of SCOPES, the same funding instruments are offered in SCOPES 2013-2016. An overall budget of 16 million CHF will be available and a major emphasis has again been put on capacity development (young and female researchers)

In the framework of SCOPES 2013-2016, there will be:

  • a first call for proposals for Joint Research Projects (= JRP, open from 20 March to 20 September 2013)
  •  a second call for proposals for Institutional Partnerships (= IP, open from spring to autumn 2014).


  1. Researchers working at research institutions in Switzerland and in countries of Eastern Europe, the Western Balkans and the New Independent States of the former Soviet Union are eligible for participation in the programme.
  2. The main applicant must be employed at a Swiss research institution.
  3. The scientific personnel in Switzerland and Eastern Europe/NIS must be employed at an institution

Category A:

  • Western Balkan countries: Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia
  • South Caucasus: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia
  • Central Asia: Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan
  • Moldova, Ukraine

Category B

  • EU-Member States: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania
  • Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia,
  • Croatia
  • Russia, Kazakhstan


Maximum amount per JRP with one Eastern European/NIS partner (CHF)
Swiss partner(s) 30’000
EE/NIS partners (only category A) 75’000
Total 105’000

Maximum amount per JRP with two Eastern European/NIS partners
Swiss partner(s) 45’000
First EE/NIS partner (category A) 75’000
Second EE/NIS partner (category A or B)* 75’000
Total 195’000

Maximum amount per JRP with three Eastern European/NIS partners
Swiss partner(s) 60’000
First EE/NIS partner (category A) 60’000
Second EE/NIS partner (category A)* 60’000
Third EE/NIS partner (category A or B)* 60’000
Total 240’000

Maximum amount per JRP with four Eastern European/NIS partners
Swiss partner(s) 60’000
First EE/NIS partner (category A) 60’000
Second EE/NIS partner (category A)* 60’000
Third EE/NIS partner (category A or B)* 60’000
Forth EE/NIS partner (category A or B)* 60’000
Total 300’000

How to apply

Proposals must be prepared jointly by the Swiss and Eastern European and NIS applicants. The application must be submitted by the Swiss main applicant (= future co-ordinator of the project) through the SNSF web.

An user account is needed in order to gain access to the web platform and to submit the proposal. To open an account, new applicants must register with SNSF as a new user. Once registered, the person will receive a username and password by regular mail (generally within five working days).

General questions concerning the application procedure may be directed to the SCOPES Programme Office (SNSF, International Co-operation,

 Applications must be submitted to SNSF by 20 September 2013.

For more details consider also the Official Call