Being Together in Diversity Training, Latvia

Deadline: 8 April 2013
Open to: Youth workers, Youth leaders, and Project managers from Bulgaria, France, Germany, and Latvia.
Venue: 20-26 May 2013 in Latvia


The “Being Together in Diversity” training course is for youth workers and youth leaders to develop competencies in intercultural awareness and intercultural learning. It aims to support participants in promoting mutual understanding amongst young people from diverse cultural backgrounds. It will be held in Latvia from 20 – 26 May 2013.


This project is financed by the Youth in Action Programme. Being selected for this course, all costs (accommodation, travel, visa, etc.) relevant to participation in the course will be covered by the NAs involved in this project – except a participation fee which varies from call to call and country to country. Please contact your NA to learn more about the financial details, and how to arrange the booking of your travel tickets and the reimbursement of your travel expenses.

The specific objectives of this training are as follows: 

  • To raise awareness of, and sensitivity towards, cultural diversity in European level and in local communities
  • To encourage participants to explore their own identity – and those of the young people they work with
  • To explore the benefits, added value and challenges of bringing young people from different cultural backgrounds together and to develop participants’ competences to do so
  • To share best practices and experiences – including existing tools – to promote mutual understanding amongst young people from diverse cultural backgrounds with the aim of building bridges between groups and/or creating common activities
  • To explore the opportunities offered – at local, national and European-level – by different actions of YiA to reach out to, and involve, young people from diverse cultural backgrounds

Methods: Group work and discussions, games, case studies, the use of local community and environment as an educational tool, reflection, participatory theatre techniques. The training team is composed of four trainers from the cooperating countries.


This Training course is for 24 participants from Bulgaria, France, Germany, Latvia and recommended for Youth workers, Youth leaders, Project managers.

Profile of participants: Youth workers and youth leaders who have experience working with young people from diverse cultural backgrounds either in culturally specific groups or in mixed communities. They should be motivated and willing to explore further the topic of intercultural awareness and understanding and want to actively put into practice what they will learn on this course. They should be at least 18 years old.


The application deadline is 8 April 2013. You must apply using the online application process AVAILABLE HERE. Participants will be selected on 19 April 2013.

Organizer: Latvian National Agency (National Agency)

For questions and inquiries, please contact Vladislava Skele at or by phone at +37167358069. For further information, please review the official website HERE.

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