Wroclaw University of Technology was founded in 1945, but its academic legacy dates back over 160 years to the Lviv University. Today, it belongs to the best technical universities in Poland with over 32,000 students study at the 12 faculties and the Department of Fundamental Studies, as well as in the 3 regional branches. The campus of the university is located in a very attractive area close to the city centre and to the dormitories.
International cooperation
Research and education are strongly influenced by international cooperation with over 250 partner universities all over the world. Over 1000 scientists from European, American, Asian and Australian universities and several dozens of international students pass through the university every year. The university is involved in the following research programmes: LLP-Erasmus, Erasmus-Mundus (Brasil, Russia), the 6th and 7th Framework Programme, and Leonardo da Vinci. The International Office is responsible for the exchange programmes administration.
Language Requirements (For programmes in English)
IELTS: 6 points
TOEFL: 550 points
Preparatory language courses
Students who need to improve their English skills may enroll in a 12-week or a 1-year preparatory course in July (English for Academic Purposes), which prepares for university studies in English. Students who wish to study in Polish may enroll a 1-year preparatory Polish Language Course, which prepares for university studies in Polish and ends in an obligatory examination. Students enrolled in programmes in English may learn Polish for one semester free of charge.
Erasmus Students
Students who want to apply for Erasmus Programme need to submit the following documents to the International Office:
-Application Form
-Learning Agreementt
-Transcript of Records
winter semester – 15 July
summer semester – 15 December
International Students Recruitment
e-mail: admission@pwr.wroc.pl
tel. +48 71 320 37 19, 320 31 70, 320 44 39
fax +48 71 320 35 70
Central European Exchange Program for University Studies. CEEPUS website.
Visegrad Scholarship Program
Visegrad Fund offers Master’s and Post-Master’s scholarships for 1 or 2 semesters. Visegrad Fund website.
Wroclaw University of Technology
27 Wybrzeze Wyspianskiego St
50-370 Wroclaw
+48 71 320 26 00