IV International Youth Forum “Hyperborea-2012”

Deadline: 17 June 2012 (if you need Russian visa)
Open to: Young people at the age of 16-28 from Russia, neighboring countries and Scandinavia
Venue: Karelia, Russia; 3 – 9 August 2012
Costs: Fee is 1900 rubles (about 50 euro)


One of the most fascinating ancient legends says: long time ago in the far north amazing people lived. Ancient writers called them “Hyperboreans” which meant “living beyond the northern wind Boreas”. These people had magical secret knowledge: the secret of eternal youth, the strength of the ultimate weapon and were blessed with extraordinary artistic talents.

Hyperboreans lived happily for a long time but then they suddenly disappeared… Among various versions about the place where the legendary land Hyperborea was located, the most reliable one says that this country was situated beyond the 60th parallel on the territory of the Republic!

It is no coincidence that Karelia has become a place for the international youth educational forum named “Hyperborea”. The memory of the great suddenly disappeared civilization is alive as long as people strive for excellence, eternal youth and absolute knowledge!

How does the ancient disappeared civilization concern a promising youth of today? The point is that according to the legend, the inhabitants of this country lived in unity with nature and were constantly learning from it. Moreover, they improved themselves all the time and never stopped at the achieved level…

…Every summer an international youth forum is held in the Republic of Karelia. The participants of the forum spend seven bright and fruitful days outdoors. A tent city is built on the picturesque shore of Lososinnoe Lake. Young people from all over the world cook food on the campfire, sleep in tents. They speak different languages and have different interests. But during the hottest days of August, they become inhabitants of one big country – “Hyperborea”. Hyperboreans learn to live, to be friends, to love. They are looking for non-standard solutions to urgent problems, arrange weddings, “battles”, “executions”, loud celebrations, they organize secret societies, fight for independence. Hyperboreans are motivated, talented people with a strong will. They know what they want and are able to achieve their goals.

Every new day contains not only meetings with famous and interesting people, but also new knowledge, thoughts and ideas. Every day participants have a chance to test themselves, to define their plans for the future, to find real friends, to get faith in themselves and own power. Participants also have an opportunity to achieve their goals! One of the most important differences of “Hyperborea” from other youth forums is the role-playing game in which each delegation presents an imaginary state with its own history, culture, economy and political system.

“Hyperborea” is a special place of force where active, seeking for knowledge, open-minded young people from different regions of Russia and foreign countries gather together. They are aware of their personal responsibility for their fate and for the fate of their Motherlands, they are ready to change themselves in order to change the world around them. And if you live in Karelia and still have not heard of “Hyperborea”, it’s high time to look around, because “Hyperborea” is already around you!

The goal of the forum is forming of responsible personality of the youngster through involvement in social activities.


  • Involvement of young people in social projects and state programs;
  • Support of youth initiatives;
  • Development of key trends of the state youth policy of the Republic of Karelia based on constructive dialogue between active youth, NGOs and the Government taking into consideration Russian and international experience.
  • Formation of interregional and international contacts.


The IV International Youth Forum ”Hyperborea-2012” will be held in Karelia, Russia from 3 – 9 August 2012.


On the territory of the forum good living conditions are organized. The tents and meals, as well as transfer from Petrozavodsk to the camp and back, will be provided by organizers of the Forum free of charge. Travel and visa costs should be covered by the participants. The participation fee is 1900 rubles (about 50 euro).


IV International Youth Forum ”Hyperborea-2012” will gather young people representing youth organizations at the age of 16-28 from different regions of Russia, neighboring countries and Scandinavia. The participants will spend a week in the unique innovative working area. You will get a possibility to exchange views on challenges presented by the modern society, demonstrate your talents and create new ideas and project proposals within the main topics covered by the Forum.


The registration for the IV International Youth Forum “Hyperborea-2012” is now open. Participants from Russian neighboring countries and Scandinavia are encouraged to apply! Please note, for all English-speaking participants a special educational platform “Bridges of friendship” will be organized. In the framework of this theme block participants are expected to create international team of activists with the aim of implementing future projects. Participants of these classes will learn such topics as intercultural dialogue, tolerance, mass media, fundraising, project management and other. Young people from different countries will create common projects and learn opportunities to fulfill it in the future. The program will be uploaded soon on the official website.

If you speak Russian, you are welcome to apply for any other theme block. To choose the sphere you are interested in, please go to Russian version of the website to apply for the forum (registration starts on 1 June). But don’t forget to send a scan of your international passport to forum.hyperborea@gmail.com

Deadline for participants who need visa to entry the Russian Federation is 17 June! Don’t hesitate to contact forum.hyperborea@gmail.com (Alena Moskalenko)

Online application form

The Official Website

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