Margaret Fuller Scholarship

Deadline:  October 15th, 2012
Open to: Full members of the Spanish Association for Anglo- and North- American Studies, AEDEAN (Asociación Española de Estudios Anglo- Norteamericanos)
Scholarship: 1.600€


The scholarship is designed to approach any aspect of North American Studies or intercultural relations between North America and Spain


Full members of the Spanish Association for Anglo- and North- American Studies, AEDEAN (Asociación Española de Estudios Anglo- Norteamericanos) are eligible to apply. It is not possible to obtain it with another scholarship, grant or aid, public or private, funded.


The scholarship scope is 1.600€. It consists of 600€ for accommodation expenses, 200€ for transportation, 100€ for photocopies and office material, 100€ for computer support and 600€ for books from the specific bibliography suggested by the applicant. These books will be part of the Instituto Franklin’s book collection but they will be offered to the applicant during the scholarship. There will also be provided a comfortable place to research inside the Instituto Franklin’s building.

The scholarship holder must state the received aid in the publications derived from the research during the scholarship period. The scholarship is incompatible with any other scholarship or financial aid from private or public funds.


Filled application form together with two reference letters (the sender cannot be a member of the Instituto Franklin), curriculum vitae (résumé) including student record and project summary. Resolution will be published in neks@s-AEDEAN and Instituto Franklin – UAH website.

The deadline for sending the application is October 15th, 2012.

The Official Website

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