Rio+20 Call for Online Volunteers

Deadline: Until the positions are filled
Open to: All interested with proficiency in English or French and knowledge in collaboration tools (emails, Skype, Dropbox, Google Docs, etc.)


Road to Rio+20 is a coalition of organizations, weaving together a global youth-led movement to realize the potential of the Earth Summit 2012.

For the past 15 months they have been mobilizing young people worldwide on issues of sustainable development, in the lead up to this historical summit. Now the pressure’s rising, and their efforts are ramping up accordingly.

They are looking for talented and energetic youth who want to help make change happen. Do you have what it takes? Read on.


Online volunteers joining the team would be willing to work a few hours a week, every week from now until the dates of the summit (June 2012). Access to and proficiency in collaboration tools (emails, Skype, Dropbox, Google Docs, etc.) is a must. Knowledge of Rio+20 and sustainable development issues is highly recommended.


In addition to that intangible, but very real feeling of knowing that your work had an impact, Road to Rio+20 team members enjoy the following perks:

  • letters of reference for future job opportunities
  • access to a wide network of contacts (partner organizations and others our coalition collaborates with)
  • real CV-building high-responsibility collaborative work
  • participation in Rio events (pending funding availability)


These are some of the roles they are interested in filling.

Rio+YOU Online Campaign Organizer, English

  • developing and updating the Rio+YOU English website
  • maintaining and growing the Rio+YOU English Facebook page

Rio+YOU Online Campaign Organizer, French

  • developing and updating the Rio+YOU French website
  • maintaining and growing the Rio+YOU French Facebook page


  • updating the blog on the Road to Rio+20 website
  • developing other content for the Road to Rio+20 website

Media Coordinator

  • developing press materials about our work
  • giving more visibility on traditional media (TV, newspapers, etc.)

Rio+20 On-the-ground Organizer

  • coordinating coalition’s involvement in summit and pre-summit activities
  • organizing the side event(s)

If you believe you could bring a specific set of skills/competences/knowledge to the coalition’s work, but none of these roles fits you well, please apply nonetheless under the [OTHER] category and convince them that they should recruit you.


The application process is online on the Official Website. You can apply for more than one role. Just access the form again after the first application, and make another selection.

NOTE: Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis. The online volunteer will start as soon as the position is filled.

The Official Website

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