Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate in Distributed Computing, Europe

Deadline: 23 January 2012
Open to: Applicants must have completed a higher education degree of computer science or areas related to distributed computing; English proficiency proved by a certificate
Fellowship: Fixed contribution to the travel, installation and any other types of cost: 7500 € for category A, 3000 € for category B; Gross salary of 2800 €/month


EMJD-DC intends to become a permanent reference model for international doctoral studies in Distributed Systems and beyond. Students carry out their research work over up to four years in two universities from different countries, with additional mobility to industry in most projects. Joint training schools will cover both scientific topics and transferable skills, such as project and scientific management, communication, innovation techniques. EMJD-DC will initially award double degrees, however a task will study pathways to the implementation of a Joint Degree. The research projects address some of the key technological challenges of our time, mainly but not exclusively: ubiquitous data-intensive applications, scalable distributed systems (including Grid and Cloud computing, and P2P models), adaptive distributed systems (autonomic computing, green computing, decentralized and voluntary computing), and applied distributed systems (distributed algorithms and systems, working in an inter-disciplinary manner, in existing and emerging fields to address industrial and societal needs in the European and worldwide context.

The consortium partners assembled in EMJD-DC have a high international reputation in the research fields described above. They complement each other very well in their specialisation fields of research, and in the corresponding training offers. The first language of all training and research activities will be English, but students will be exposed to local languages. The majority of partners are also participants in the ERCIM consortium, all belong to the Cluster University network, and several EU Research Projects. EMJD-DC is supported by several labs with direct links with the industry, mainly the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), the Swedish Institute of Computer Science (SICS), the Centre of Excellence in Information and Communication Technologies (CETIC),INESC-ID Lisboa and several industrial labs such as Telefonica Research (TID), Ericsson, and SME as Euranova and Peerialism.

Following institutions take part in the programme: BarcelonaTech UPC, Spain (Coord); Université Catholique de Louvain UCL, Belgium; Instituto Superior Técnico IST, Portugal; Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan KTH, Sweden.

To find out more about the structure of the programme, please click here.


Two different EMJD fellowships can be awarded to doctoral candidates:

  • Category A fellowships can be awarded to  third-country doctoral candidates selected by EMJD consortia who come from a country other than a European country and who are not residents nor have carried out their main activity (studies, work, etc.) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years in one of these countries. The only exception to this rule applies to third-country doctoral candidates who have previously received an Erasmus Mundus masters scholarship in order to follow an EMMC.
  • Category B fellowships can be awarded to  European doctoral candidates selected by EMJD consortia as well as to any doctoral candidates selected by EMJD consortia who do not fulfil the Category A criteria defined above.

The approximate number of PhD fellowships that EMJD-DC offers for the current admission period is:

  • 5 fellowships category A
  • 1 for Category A candidates originating from Turkey or Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia)
  • 3 fellowships category B

The financial conditions are:

  • Fixed contribution to the travel, installation and any other types of cost: 7500 € for category A, 3000 € for category B if mobility foreseen to 3rd country partners.
  • A monthly gross salary of 2800 € (before deduction of any taxes or contributions) that corresponds to a net salary of around 1300-1500 € (to be fixed in the doctoral candidate agreement depending on national legislation).


  • Applicants must have completed a higher education degree of computer science or areas related to distributed computing in the M.Sc. level of the European LMD system (300 ECTS credits), or equivalent academic qualifications from an internationally recognized university. Excellent grades from courses in distributed systems, operating systems, networking, programming languages, computer architectures, and theory of computing are expected.
  • Applicants must provide proof of their English language proficiency, which is most commonly established through an internationally recognized test. These can be IELTS, TOEFL or Cambridge certificates. In order to see more about admission requirements, please click here.

How to apply?

An application consists of two steps. Please read the admission requirements and application instructions before sending your documents.

Step 1. Create a user account

Create a user account at the admission website at UPC. A user account can be created in advance, before making your actual application. If you already have a UPC user account, please use the existing one and do not create a new one. Once you have a user account you can apply to EMJD-DC in accordance with the application deadlines.

Step 2. Make a web-based application

Login to your account. Go to the Application management. On “Course type” select “Doctoral degree”. Click on “Create application”. On a pop-up window, select “ERASMUS MUNDUS JOINT DOCTORATE IN DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING: 2012-1” and fill out that form. Look at “Research topics” to select the topics of your interest requested in that form. Select “Personal details” and fill out that section. Upload the required documents (PDF format) in the “Records” section.

You can logout and return to your account any time to complete your data or add supporting documents. When your application is complete, select “Applications” and submit your application for evaluation by pressing the “Send request” button.

Your application will move to the “CONFIRMED” state when it is validated by the admission team, any time before the application deadline.  After the evaluation is done, the state of your application will change to ACCEPTED (can be conditional or not) or REJECTED. You will receive an email notification every time the state of your application changes.  Look at the user’s guide (manual candidate) when you are logged in for more details. The deadline for the application is 23 January 2012.


Dr Leandro Navarro
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Department of Computer Architecture
Jordi Girona, 1-3, D6
ES – 08034 Barcelona

The Official Website

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