ERASMUS MUNDUS Master on Work, Organizational and Personnel Psychology, Europe

Deadline: 1 January 2012
Open to: Applicants with university undergraduate degree in Psychology, Fluency in English
Scholarship: 1,500Euro/month for category A students, between 500 and 650Euro/month for category B students


The European Master on Work, Organizational, and Personnel Psychology (WOP-P) is a graduate university programme, supported by the European Commission through the Erasmus Mundus Programme which provides a Postgraduated Diploma. The objective is to contribute to the qualification of professionals and researchers in the discipline of Work, Organizational and Personnel Psychology emphasizing a European approach and perspective. The Master implements the main guidelines developed by the Euro-Psych model for the European Diploma of Psychology (EDP) supported by the European Federation of Psychology Association (EFPA). It also follows the Reference Model and Minimal Standards of the European Curriculum in WOP Psychology established by the European Network of Work and Organizational Psychology Professors (ENOP).

Five European universities are involved: Universitat de València (Spain) as the coordinating institution, Universitat de Barcelona (Spain), Université René Descartes Paris 5 (France), Alma Mater Studiorum-Università di Bologna (Italy), and Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal) and two Non-European universities are also involved: Universidade de Brasília (Brazil) and University of Guelph (Canada).

The duration of the Programme is two full-time years, with a total workload of 120 ECTS credits (60 per year). The languages of instruction and examination can be any of the following languages: English, French, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish. Students are awarded a double diploma, delivered by the Home and the Host Universities they study at over the master programme.

The Master on Work, Organizational, and Personnel Psychology (WOP-P) has four main objectives:

  • to prepare the students as competent practitioners in Work, Organizational and Personnel Psychology at the entry level as independent (non supervised) practitioners. This preparation is inspired in the scientist-practitioner model, which assumes that good preparation as a practitioner implies the acquisition of professional and research competences
  • to offer a European referent of training in WOP-P to the students of other regions of the world
  • to promote mobility of European and third-country students and staff across Europe
  • to contribute towards university excellence and competitiveness within the European Higher Education system.


Category A grants for students have to be considered as “full scholarships” covering most of the necessary costs of the student while following his/her EMMC studies.For the academic year 2011/2012, the amount granted of EM Category A grants for students covers the registration fees and other participation costs, and a monthly payment between 1,400 and 1,500 euros per each academic year (10 months). As WOP Master is a two year programme, the student will receive the monthly payment during 20 months. This scholarship is available to students who come from a country other than a European Union Country (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom) or from Norway, Iceland, Lichtenstein and who is not a permanent resident nor has carried out his/her main activity (studies, training and work) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years in at least one of the mentioned countries in this paragraph.

Category B grants for students have to be considered as a “financial contribution” to the student’s costs while following his/her EMMC studies. For the academic year 2011/2012, the amount granted of EM Category B grants for students covers the registration fees and other participation costs, and a monthly payment between 500 and 650 euros per each academic year (10 months). As WOP Master is a two year programme, the student will receive the monthly payment during 20 months. This scholarship is available to students who come from a European Union Country (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom) or from Norway, Iceland, Lichtenstein or who, not coming from the mentioned countries, is a permanent resident or has carried out his/her main activity (studies, training and work) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years in at least one of the mentioned countries in this paragraph.


  1. University Undergraduate Degree in Psychology (ie bachelor of 3, 4 or 5 years)
  2. Commitment in writing to full-time dedication for the 2 years of the programme and other commitments for students with EM grants and commitments for students without EM grants.
  3. Fluency in English (level B1), using the common European Framework of reference for languages.

How to apply?

The application procedure has 5 steps:

Step 1: Make sure that you have the documents below ready before introducing your data in the on-line application because you will have to upload them at the end of it. Also, make sure that you prepare only one file for each of the following documents because you can upload only 11 files. MAKE SURE THAT EACH DOCUMENT IS NOT BIGGER THAN 4 Mb!! Bigger files will not let you send us your application.

  • Student’s statement and commitment (signed and scanned). A model of this document can be found here.
  • Your proof of the degree in Psychology. If you do not have it yet, please give an explanation in a text document and upload it. There are formal requirements for your degree in Psychology.
  • Your academic transcripts in Psychology. If they are not complete yet, please upload them anyway. There are formal requirements about your academic transcripts in Psychology.
  • Language certificates, if available. If you have no official language certificates, please upload a document (.doc or .txt) explaining how you have learnt the language(s).
  • CV – Standard European Format only (in English)
  • 2 letters of reference (one preferably academic), the form can be downloaded here.
  • a proof of nationality (preferably your passport)
  • a recent photo of yourself
  • a motivation letter (can be downloaded here)
  • any other document you would like to provide

The documents should be all in English. Other languages as French, Italian, Portuguese or Spanish will be also accepted. Documents in other languages should be translated in English by a sworn translator.

Step 2: Read carefully the document which tells you which data are asked in the on-line application. Do not start to fill in the on-line application without having your documents ready and without having read this document !!!

Step 3: The on-line application is prepared to run with all internet browsers (Mozilla, Explorer, Chrome, Safari, Opera, etc). You will have to download some security applets to make run the on-line application on your computer. Please, read carefully this document and follow all the instructions in it in order to have success with your application form process. MAKE SURE THAT JAVA SCRIPT IS ACTIVATED ON YOUR COMPUTER AND THAT JAVA (at least vs 6) IS INSTALLED ON YOUR COMPUTER!!

Step 4: If you find any technical problem during the application process, please send an e-mail to and explain your problem with details. Program’s representatives will try to solve it and give you some feedback as soon as possible. At the end of the application form you can get a printed document of the application form. Keep it with you all the time. At the top right corner of the document, there is a number. It is very important that you keep it. But you do not need to send this application form!!! (it is only for your records).

Step 5: If you (Type A or Type B Student) are finally selected for WOP programme with or without EM grants (Category A and B), you must send to your Home University (mobility 1) and Host University (mobility 2) your degree and transcripts in Psychology before 31st July 2011 with the formal requirements for these documents. Required digital or electronic documents will be uploaded at the end of the on-line application process. Students should not send any document regarding the application by e-mail, fax or postal mail.

Applications and documents sent by e-mail, fax or postal mail will not be accepted. Application must be done on-line by clicking on this link. The deadline for the application is 1 January 2012.


University of Valencia, Spain.
Inmaculada Aleixos Borrás
Erasmus Mundus WOP-P Coordinating Assistant
Facultat de Psicología (Dpto. de Psicología social)
Avda. Blasco Ibáñez, 21
46010 Valencia (Spain)
Phone: +34 96 386 45 49
Fax: +34 96 386 46 68
E-mail: /

The Official Website


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