PhD Position in Poznan University of Technology

Deadline: ongoing
Open to: Candidates with qualifications for the position
Scholarship: 875 € (3,500 PLN) tax fre


They propose PhD student stipends in Faculty of Chemical Technology, Poznan University of Technology (Poland) for a collaborative work in the frame of the Welcome Programme implemented by the Foundation for Polish Science (FNP) within the Measure 1.2, ‘Strengthening the human resources potential of science’, of the Innovative Economy Operational Programme supported by European Union.
Objective of research: Development of nanocarbons and protic ionic liquids for supercapacitors.
Supercapacitors are energy storage devices characterized by a high power and a long cycle-life. They are used for applications in electric and hybrid vehicles, tramways, starting of diesel engines, renewable energy harvesting, etc. The current research aims at improving the performance of supercapacitors in order to enhance their energy density and broaden the range of their applications.The objective of the ECOLCAP project is to developing a new concept of environment friendly and cheap capacitor operating in an aqueous electrolyte, while being able to reach the same performance as in organic medium. More specifically, the main breakthrough of ECOLCAP is expected in considerably enhancing the operating voltage in protic electrolytes.Within the frame of ECOLCAP, the PhD students will develop nanocarbons (nanoporous carbons, graphenes, carbon nanotubes, …) and a new family of protic ionic liquids (PILs) optimised for supercapacitor applications. This ambitious work programme within an international network is recommended for chemists interested by fundamental and applied science, and aiming at developing a future carrier connected with industrial developments. The fellows should possess a consistent background in electrochemistry and materials science.


  • The application should highlight the candidate’s scientific achievements, the detailed description of their research experience, the description of foreign traineeships; if available, it should also include a list of publications and presentations in conferences.
  • Applicants should be good team players and have ability and willing to taking initiative.
  • Good English speaking and writing is also required.


Amount of stipend per month: 875 € (3,500 PLN) tax free.


Candidates wishing to apply are requested to send the following documents (in English) to Professor F. Béguin:

  • A Curriculum Vitae of a maximum of two A4 pages containing the candidate specific qualifications for the position. The application should highlight the candidate’s scientific achievements, the detailed description of their research experience, the description of foreign traineeships; if available, it should also include a list of publications and presentations in conferences;
  • A recommendation letter from their current scientific supervisor;
  • A motivation letter;
  • Attested copies of education certificates including grade reports and other documents.

Qualified candidates will be appointed in November 2011 for a personal meeting in Poznan (or by video conference) with the Recruitment Committee. The meeting will be held in English.

The Official Website

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