Media for Liberty Award

Deadline: 31 December 2011
Open to: Eligible media outlets, including newspapers, magazines, journals, radio, television and websites, must be generally recognized in their markets and accessible to a broad audience in the United States
Prizes: $50,000 cash prize and a trip to an awards ceremony in Washington D.C.

The 2012 Media for Liberty Award seeks to acknowledge and encourage media contributions that explore the relationship between economic and political liberty. The most outstanding entry, as selected by our distinguished panel of judges, published or transmitted in the preceding calendar year (between January 1 and December 31, 2011) will receive an award of $50,000.


Economists and political theorists have long debated the relationship between economic liberty (i.e., freedom of individuals to make economic choices in a free-market environment) and political liberty (i.e., freedom from government intervention and fostering of civil liberties). Prominent economists such as Milton Friedman, Friedrich Hayek and Ludwig von Mises, have argued that free economies are conducive to, or even an inseparable element of, political freedom.

The promotion of economic and political liberties requires continual examination by policy makers both in the United States and across the globe. But the media can play an equally vital role in promoting these freedoms through its treatment of and attention to issues of the day, and the societies, cultures and people who are either prospering or struggling in their pursuit of them. Journalism – from various viewpoints and in various format – that illustrates this correlation will become increasingly relevant as boundaries are lifted and these ideas applied globally.


Sample topics and issues might include (but are not limited to):

  • Government involvement in private enterprise (TARP, health and financial reform)
  • Dependency on foreign oil
  • Access to healthcare (universal care, rationing, Medicare)
  • Sovereign debt
  • Basic goods (food, housing, healthcare) becoming prohibitively expensive for the middle class consumer
  • Ultimate cost of globalization from a societal, cultural, economic perspective True cost of ethanol and its impact on food and fuel
  • Fair trade
  • Global tax and regulatory changes


Entries must have been published or transmitted via print or electronic media between January 1 and December 31, 2011. Eligible media outlets, including newspapers, magazines, journals, radio, television and websites, must be generally recognized in their markets and accessible to a broad audience in the United States.

The tabs on the left of your screen provide links to all the information you will need to enter:

  • For a summary of the key parameters and contest rules, please view the Award Brochure. Note that the brochure sets forth a brief overview of the rules. You must read and comply with the Official Contest Rules (see below).
  • The Entry Form can be accessed in .pdf format, and must be affixed to your entry and received by Liberty Media Corporation no later than January 9, 2012 via mail. No e-mail entries will be accepted.
  • For a detailed description of the required format of your entry, copyright considerations, eligibility requirements, how to enter, and other important information, please view the Official Contest Rules.
  • Our distinguished panel of Judges will be identified as soon as their names are available.
  • The Award, includes a $50,000 cash prize and a trip to an awards ceremony in Washington D.C. in the Spring of 2012. This tab will be updated with additional Award details as soon as they become available.
  • For details on how to reach us with any questions, how to receive hard copies of the Entry Form or Official Contest Rules by mail, and the full address for mailing in your entry, please see the Contact Information.


The Official Website

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