Global Model UN Conference 2010

Call for Applications
Global Model UN Conference
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 9 – 13 August 2010

The United Nations Department of Public Information (UNDPI) is organizing the second annual Global Model UN conference in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from 9 – 13 August 2010 (including two days of pre-conference activities – date and time to be confirmed), for university-level students. The conference theme will be “Towards an Alliance of Civilizations – Bridging Cultures to achieve Peace and Development.”

UNDPI is now inviting Model UN programmes around the world to nominate and send us their choice of delegates to be sent to the GMUN 2010 conference.
Model UN programmes are requested to fill out the attached forms and submit them to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . Every nominated delegate will have to complete an electronic application process to register for the conference. Please note that UNDPI reserves the right to limit or increase application numbers per Model UN programme to ensure gender balance and socio-economic as well as regional representation.

The criteria for acceptance of delegates are as follows:

• Age requirements

All applicants must be at least 18 but not older than 24 years of age by 11 August 2010 and must be enrolled in a university during the 2009-2010 academic year.

• Model UN experience

Applicants must have at least one year of Model UN experience (full participation in a Model UN conference as a delegate or member of the secretariat).

• Completion of application and other forms

o Proof of enrollment Download form (needs a stamp and signature from your university)
o Scanned copy of your passport ID page (clearly showing your photograph)
o Two letters of reference from your professor / teacher on the letterhead of their respective university
o A writing sample in English or French, with footnoted citations, of no more than 5 pages. For all writing samples, please indicate at the begining of the sample for what purpose and the date (month/year) it was written.

• Language requirements

Applicants should be fluent in English and/or French. Knowledge of another UN official language (Arabic, Chinese, Spanish and Russian) would be welcomed. UNDPI is looking into the possibility of providing interpretation services in other official UN languages based on need and numbers of delegates from different regions.

All the above must be submitted together by 15 March 2010. The electronic application form with detailed instructions will be posted on the new Global Model UN website soonest. For further questions, please go to the FAQ section of the GMUN website or email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it for assistance.

Please be advised that students accepted as delegates will be responsible for their travel to and from Kuala Lumpur and for the cost of their accommodation, transportation and meals. Details on accommodation and other related costs in Kuala Lumpur, travel and visa applications will be posted on the Global Model UN website soon –

The UNDPI will try to identify sponsors for students from developing countries who cannot afford to cover their expenses. However, they must show proof of their attempts to raise funds to cover their participation.

Deadline for Applications – 15 March 2010

Attachment: Call for Applications

Contact Information:

Global Model UN

Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Website: Global Model UN

2 thoughts on “Global Model UN Conference 2010

  1. Kathak Academy Bangladesh(KAB)

    Dear, Sir/Madam, Respectable

    Thanks for your kind cooperation ,we like to participant, Global Model UN Conference

    Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 9 – 13 August 2010 very dynamic conference for international youth .for that we like to attend 16 (sixteen ) member of kathak academy Bangladesh(youth org.) in cooperation with the Ministry of youth & sports ,the people’s republic of Bangladesh .If you allow us pleases send us your respectable response ,we are early because our country visa process take time .

    We have action program for youth, cultural, tourism, & human development goals. Like Eternity training program for school students & community youth, Fisherman in the deep sea we supporting to the technical fishery community people & SIDR affected fishery family & water sanitation & society in CHT aria in Bangladesh .

    We are very mush interested about this program, we are working for Millennium Development Goals for youth 2015 how can recover the poverty ,we thing we need a action program for young people developing country in the world .our conception action dynamic entrepreneurship media business ,training, cultural. Tourism. awareness than employment for that we are start the action program against the poverty with out finance because we like to challenge our effort

    Humanities movement ,behave, honesty ,mankind ,that is big finance for human community young people development .

    In this connection, its my pleasure to inform you that Khatak Acadamy Bangladesh(KAB) is a renowned registered Non Government Organization (NGO) of Bangladesh dealing with Cultural, child labor, Educational & Environmental, youth Development Issues in the country since its inception in 1982, We also work on different social programs highlighting youth entrepreneurship in local & national medias and in rural areas ..Most recent curriculum vitae and a brief biographical note We have gather experience in youth response an international or regional and local level. Few examples are: 1.Attending Millennium Development Goals for youth 2015 summit on 11-14 September 2006 at Batam in Indonesia representative youth organization from Bangladesh . 2. Attending self-employment youth development recommendation for MDGs on 10-16 August, 2006 in Malaysia . 3. Attending youth Deplo leadership Programmed in Thailand July 14-15. Attending youth leadership Programmed

    (JICA)-representative youth org.

    Note: if you kindly .allow us then we can send to you delegate name

    We hope your response.

    With best regards

    Abul kashem sheikh

    Chairman(kab)&member of , JICA(experts)

    Kathak academy Bangladesh(KAB)

    251,Mirhajirbag,gandaria, Dhaka ,1204



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