The Importance of being part of a Youth Exchange

As young pupils when we finish high school or even during our studies in college we develop a desire for travelling abroad. We want to see and also in some way feel the world in front of us. Travelling abroad influences and shapes our personality and enriches our inner experience as human beings. Even though, each one of us is different, with different mindset, past experiences and perceptions of the world around us, I want to share with you the positive things you can encounter while attending a youth exchange.

Meeting new people
One of the most obvious and primary things that will surely happen while you are on a youth exchange is that you will have the opportunity to meet a lot of new people with different cultural background, different beliefs and lifestyles. Some of these people will nevertheless have a positive impact on your overall perception of the world, due to their capability and openness to share their own personal beliefs.

Intercultural experience
Meeting new people will undoubtedly create an interesting multicultural experience between you and the people you will meet on the exchange. Listening about other’s people cultural and religious customs, traditions and other parts of their religion will not only ‘awaken’ our curiosity for learning new things, but it will also expand our mindset on a cultural level.

New skills and competencies
Wherever the youth exchange is occurring, each participant of the exchange will have the chance to be part of the project or the activities for which the exchange is organized. During the organized lectures and activities, the participants will be able to learn, engage and share their opinions on a certain topic. Involving them in different activities, pairing them in teams and enabling them to show their potential and capability will motivate them to improve themselves and thus develop new skills and competencies.

Concluding Thoughts
Youth exchanges present the ”bridge” of establishing new connections and relationships with other people. It is a great occasion to form long-lasting friendships that in the future could result in professional acquaintances. This could have a great significance for all young and ambitious people who want to invest in their potential and talents, or youngsters who just want to enrich their life experience and expand their mindset.


This article is written by: 
Ljupka Janevska – FB profile 

Photo: Unsplash.