Microsoft Research EMEA Ph.D. Award 2020

Deadline: 1 April 2020
Open to: PhD students from Europe, Middle East and Africa
Awards: USD 15,000 price


Microsoft actively seeks to foster greater levels of diversity in our workforce and in our pipeline of future researchers. They are always looking for the best and brightest talent and celebrate individuality. The company invites candidates to come as they are and do what they love.


– Microsoft’s mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more. Students should support this mission and embrace opportunities to foster diverse and inclusive cultures within their communities.

– Ph.D. students must be enrolled at a university in EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa) and their research must be closely related to our research themes at Microsoft Research Cambridge:

All Data AI
Cloud Infrastructure
Confidential Computing
Future of Work
Game Intelligence
Healthcare Intelligence
Biological Computation

– Ph.D. students must be in their third year or beyond in a Ph.D. program to qualify for this award. Funding is for use only during their time in the Ph.D. program; it cannot be used for support in a role past graduation, such as a postdoc or faculty position. Those interested in receiving this award will need to confirm their Ph.D. program starting month and year, as well as their expected graduation month and year.

– Ph.D. students must continue to be enrolled at the university in the fall of 2020.
Payment of the award, as described above, will be made directly to the award recipient’s university and dispersed according to the university’s policies.

– Ph.D. students submitting a proposal should be able to communicate about their research (both in writing and verbally) in English.

– Microsoft Research EMEA Ph.D. Award recipients subject to disciplinary proceedings for inappropriate behavior, including but not limited to discrimination, harassment (including sexual harassment), or plagiarism will forfeit their funding.


– Award recipients will receive 15,000 USD for the academic year 2020–21 to help them complete research as part of their doctoral thesis work.

– Microsoft will arrange and pay for travel and accommodations for award recipients to attend the PhD Summit. The two-day workshop is held at one of the Microsoft Research labs in the fall. It will provide award recipients an opportunity to present their research, meet with – Microsoft researchers in their research area and receive career coaching.
Award recipients will be offered an internship at Microsoft Research’s Cambridge lab.

How to Apply?

Ph.D. students must individually submit the following information. You will need to collect all the information listed under each form before submitting them as you will not have the ability to save the details and return to the online forms.

In order to apply, please fill the application.

For more information, please visit the official web page.