Emerging African Innovation Leaders, Milan Italy

Deadline: 26 July 2018
Open to: national citizens of Tunisia, Niger, Nigeria, Kenya, Ethiopia and Mozambique
Benefits: scholarship for covering the costs of the in-presence activities (fees, travels, accommodation, and food)


The African Innovation Brokers learning activity is part of the Emerging African Innovation Leaders Program and addresses a group of African innovation leaders who are expected to spur the transition to the Next Production Revolution (NPR) in their countries.

It is organized in different sessions with different teaching mix.

The sessions are distributed over 12 months. They comprise:

  • learning activities such as in-presence training in Milan (Italy) and online training (via MOOCs), covering several topics ranging from digitalization to sustainable energy solutions and smart mobility;
  • exposure to Italian and European innovation system (experts and innovative firms and institutions);
  • hands-on project activities and project works focused on designing local NPR innovation action, supported by expert mentors from different backgrounds.


The candidate profile of the Emerging Innovation Leaders should have:

  • personal experiences and motivation on Innovation;
  • academical background in scientific or business field;
  • willing to extend knowledge about the NPR;
  • motivated to engage in team working;
  • leadership attitude;
  • excellent communications skills;
  • capacity to understand English effectively;
  • priority selection will be given to national citizens of Tunisia, Niger, Nigeria, Kenya, Ethiopia and Mozambique.


Scholarship for covering the costs of the in-presence activities (fees, travels, accommodation, and food) is provided by the Emerging African Innovation Leaders project.

How to apply?

An early bird deadline for application will be the 20th of July 2018 before 3:00 PM (CET) with priority selection. A final deadline for application will be the 26th of July 2018 before 12:00 PM (CET).

The following documents should be handed in to support the application that must compulsorily be sent to

• Motivation letter (in English) highlighting reasons to participate and commitment of the candidate to
the project (MAX 1 page);
• CV (in English, including section specifying points listed in section 5, academic background and professional experiences, including personal contacts such as Skype, e-mail, LinkedIn, Telephone);
• Additional Document containing other information that may highlight experiences in innovation or experiences as a trainer (Max 2 pages).

For any information, you may contact info-africainlead@polimi.it or you can visit the official web page.