Want a Career in Data Science? 130 Full Scholarships Available in Collaboration with 11 Scottish Universities

The Data Lab, is one of the eight innovation centres funded by the Scottish Funding Council through the Innovation Centres programme.

The Data Lab enables industry, public sector and world-class university researchers to innovate and develop new data science capabilities in a collaborative environment. Its core mission is to generate significant economic, social and scientific value from data. The Data Lab aims to transform the way in which industry, public sector and academic institutions collaborate.

With a Scotland-wide presence and Hubs in Aberdeen, Edinburgh and Glasgow, it is in close proximity to leading industry and university institutions with world-class research in informatics and computer science. Hubs are focused on building relationships locally and delivering a range of activities that span across The Data Lab’s three key areas: Collaborative Innovation; Skills & Training; and Community Building.

For the academic year 2017 / 2018, The Data Lab is proud to announce its third cohort of MSc programmes in collaboration with 11 Scottish universities.

130 new master students will receive full funding and support to prepare for a career in Data Science. The places are offered across the 11 participating universities during the 2017/18 academic year, and will be awarded on a first come, first serve basis. As a Scottish or EU student you will be eligible to get your tuition fees paid in full by The Data Lab.*

Why should you apply? Why study Data Science?

The Data Lab MSc is the most extensive and innovative scholarship programme in Scotland, and we are excited to continue providing fantastic support to students who would like to prepare for a career in Data Science.

As part of The Data Lab MSc you will receive additional technical and ‘business-ready’ skills training. The Data Lab MSc courses are guided by both the needs of Scottish industry and the cutting-edge research of Scottish academia to make sure that you are equipped with the skills needed placed to start your data science career.

Not only you will receive full funding for your studies, but you will also be able to access so much more of our services, career events, challenge competitions and other training activities. Our programme is built to equip you with full package skills that will make you a strong candidate for Scottish Industry.

Being part of The Data Lab student community means that you get the opportunity to complete a placement and experience the business life and that you are matched with a mentor who will guide you along the learning process.

What are previous students saying?

“My favourite thing about this programme was the practical aspect of it, the blending between the university life and business focus. While taking a placement, every day I would learn something new and that was really good. I learnt a lot about how Data is being used in the media and how it can be used to analyse online shopping activity. This is something great to talk about during interviews. Employers are excited to hear you worked on a real-life big data project. ” – Student, The Data Lab MSc 2016/17

“The master also gave me the opportunity to interact with business, in general. I acquired the experience in a normal office environment. My favourite thing about the placement was certainly the great environment of the company; they were very supporting with me, they always encouraged me to use the skills that I gained during my studies. I was able to apply the skills day by day and check my progress. I would encourage future students to apply for this programme. The master structure was very well done and focused on the market’s needs. ” – Student, The Data Lab MSc 2015/16

Want to find out even more? Watch this video and discover what students experience at our Challenge Competition events.

How to apply and where can you study?

The Data Lab MSc is a collaborative effort between The Data Lab and 11 Scottish universities, with the aim of developing the Data Science talent and skills required by industry in Scotland. The Data Lab will facilitate industry involvement and collaboration, and provide funding and resources for students.

The following universities look forward to receiving applications from some of the brightest young minds in Scotland and Europe:

University of Aberdeen, University of Dundee, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh Napier University, University of Glasgow, Glasgow Caledonian University, Heriot-Watt University, Robert Gordon University, University of Stirling, University of Strathclyde, University of the West Scotland.

Note: The application deadline will be different depending on the university and the selected programme.

For a full list of programme offer and available places, please visit our website.

* Funding is provided by the Scottish Funding Council (SFC) and is channelled by The Data Lab to participating universities.

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