International Workshop on New Return Migration

Deadline: 15 September 2016
Open to: researchers who work on migrations to Europe originating in various countries of origin
Venue: 11-12 November 2016, Babeș Bolyai University, Cluj, Romania


The workshop will take place at the Faculty for Political, Communication and Administrative Sciences, Babeș Bolyai University. In this workshop the aim is to discuss research, compare, and theorize the social, economic and political changes produced by new return migration from Europe in societies of origin. Another aim is unfolding returnees maintenance of social ties and forms of social capital between societies of origin and destination.

Given the diversity of patterns of return and migration in Europe, the workshop is looking not only into such processes, but also into all sorts of institutional cooperation enhanced by returnees social capital, including professional networks, NGO activism and intra-European and extra-European institutional partnerships.


  • All the researchers who work on migrations to Europe originating in various countries of origin;
  • It provides the occasion for collaboratively thinking through current dynamics displaying new and old features of how return and social change are interlinked;
  • From the papers and discussion the workshop plans to publish a Special Issue or Edited Volume.


The workshop will be able to reimburse travel, accommodation and meals for selected participants.

How to apply?

In order to apply, please send abstracts and papers to

The deadline for the submission of abstracts (max. 400 words) is 15 September 2016. Selected paper givers will be informed by 1 October 2016. Draft papers will have to be submitted by 1 November 2016.

The official page of the university can be found HERE.

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