Call for Photographs – From Recent Citizens’ Mobilizations in the Balkans

Deadline: 17 June 2016
Open to: photographers interested in fields democracy, human rights, freedom and activists mobilisation in the Western Balkans
Prize: EUR 100 for selected photographers


At a moment of existential crisis for the European project, of breakdown of solidarity between countries throughout the continent and of undermining of fundamental rights and democracy in many countries, it is vital to change the narrative, to put relations between citizens and civil society throughout Europe at the core of a renewed vision for the future of the continent.

The goal is to find photographs of citizens and activists mobilisation in the Western Balkans. Photographs should convey the atmosphere of the mobilisation as perceived by the photographer. Photographies selected will be in accordance with the main focuses of the encounter: democracy, human rights, freedom.


  • Photographers interested especially in photographs of citizens and activists mobilisation in the Western Balkans and also in fields democracy, human rights or freedom.


  • The selected photographers will receive EUR 100 if their photograph is selected.

How to apply?

Fill out online application form and send a low definition version of the photograph proposed to Ms Djurdja Banicevic:

For more information, please visit the official website.

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