Annual Grant Competition for Peacebuilding Projects

Deadline: 01/11/2010

Open to: Nonprofit organizations and individuals—both U.S. and foreign, including the following: institutions of post-secondary, community, and secondary education; public and private education, training or research institutions, and libraries.

The United States Institute of Peace (USIP) supports peace building projects implemented by nonprofit organizations including educational institutions, research institutions and civil society organizations. Under its 2010 Annual Grant Competition, it is currently seeking applications from organizations around the world. Even individuals can apply for funding support under this call.


*USIP may provide grant support to nonprofit organizations and individuals—both U.S. and foreign, including the following: institutions of post-secondary, community, and secondary education; public and private education, training or research institutions, and libraries.

*American and foreign individuals and nonprofit organizations may apply. Individuals whose proposals are funded will be required to identify a nonprofit organization to receive and manage the grant monies. When applicants are employed by an eligible institution, such as a college or university, USIP requires that grants be made to the institution rather than to the individual.

Application Process

*The application is internet-based application system and can be seen here.

About the grand

*The Grant Program increases the breadth and depth of the Institute’s work by supporting peace building projects managed by non-profit organizations including educational institutions, research institutions, and civil society organizations. In over twenty years of grant making, the Grant Program’s Annual Grant Competition and Priority Grant Competition have received nearly 10,000 applications and awarded more than 2,000 grants. The Institute has provided funding to grantees located in more than 46 U.S. states and the District of Columbia, and in 81 foreign countries.

For more info click here.

Submission deadline is October 1st, 2010.

2 thoughts on “Annual Grant Competition for Peacebuilding Projects

  1. Is a good offer to students who can not affort to continuoe with their studies in the most recognised universities.

    But the question goes, is it possible for students in Africa (individuals as mentioned) to get the grants? Otherwise, most of the scholarship goes to the developed countries in Africa. for instance South Africa, West Africa East, Africa leaving the Sub-shaharran countries

    1. In the eligibility part it is stated that:

      * American and foreign individuals and nonprofit organizations may apply. Individuals whose proposals are funded will be required to identify a nonprofit organization to receive and manage the grant monies. When applicants are employed by an eligible institution, such as a college or university, USIP requires that grants be made to the institution rather than to the individual.

      So, if you have a good proposal and an eligible institution, you can get the grant no matter where you are.

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