Art Moves – International Billboard Art Competition

Deadline: 20 July 2016
Open to: all artists interested in billboard art, especially the young ones
Prizes: main award in the amount about EUR 1,139 / US 1,289


The purpose of the Competition is to propagate and popularize billboard art and to encourage artists to create art engaged in the reality. The work is intended to be a creative response to this year’s Competition theme: Under pressure. How to be yourself in the contemporary oppressive world? The competition theme slogan can be treated as a metaphor of all the processes taking place in the world today.

We live under constant pressure: of time, perfection, success, exorbitant requirements. The pressure never stops – we experience it from the cradle to the grave. How to be yourself in such a situation? What does it mean to be yourself? Is it worth being yourself – the only one, unique human being? How to do it in the contemporary oppressive world?


  • All artists interested in billboard art are invited to take part, however, but particularly is addressed especially to young artists, who are usually most eager to face new themes and untypical ways of art presentation;

  • Participation is open to both individuals and groups.


  • Ten most interesting works will be displayed on billboards in the city space during the Art Moves Festival in September / October 2016 in Torun, Poland;
  • The author of the most interesting work will receive the Main Award in the amount of about EUR 1,139 / USD 1,289.

How to apply?

You can download the application form HERE.

For more information, please visit the official website.

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