Training on “Tool for Roma Civic Engagement” in Macedonia

Deadline:  25 March 2016
Open to: Roma and non-Roma youth leaders, activists, multipliers, volunteers active and experienced in Roma communities and/or Roma youth coming from Albania, Serbia or any European country
Venue: 10-16 April 2016, Struga, Macedonia


The training is organized by Roma Youth Center  and it is co-funded by the Europe for Citizen Programme of the European Union. Main goal of the this training is to bring participants from all over the Europe. Main aims of the project are activities involving volunteers to solve community problem which not only help to create the conditions for better and more participation and volunteering, but which also contribute significantly to active citizenship and reinforce a bottom-up grassroots movement through empowerment of citizens and communities, and strengthening our democracies and inter-cultural dialogue in the longer term. The training course will be from 10-16 April 2016 in Struga, Macedonia.


  • Roma and non-Roma youth leaders, activists, multipliers, and volunteers who are active in Roma communities and experienced in working with Roma communities and/or Roma youth, aged 18;
  • Be able and committed to act as multipliers in civic engagement for the benefit of Roma communities in a sense to lobby and advocate to be solved some local problem and/or social problem ( employment, health, housing, education etc);
  • Be familiar with the situation/ needs of the Roma community in their country;
  • Be motivated to develop their competences in advocacy, anti-discrimination work, human rights;
  • Be committed to attend for the full duration of the course;
  • Be able to work in English;
  • Be resident in one of the European countries, Albania and Serbia.


There is no participation fee. The organizers cover the costs for accommodation, board and any program-related costs. Travel costs are reimbursed during the seminar or afterwards by bank transfer based on a fully presented travel reimbursement claim (flight bookings, boarding tickets, invoices, bus/train tickets), based on the cheapest means and up to a certain amount:

  • Western Europe max. EUR 250;
  • Central and Eastern Europe EUR 200;
  • Albania and Serbia max EUR 60.

How to apply ?

All interested applicants must to fill out the online application form until 25 March 2016. The results will be announced latest by 28 March 2016. All applicants will receive an answer to the application.

If you have question related to the training course feel free to contact the organizers on:

For more information, please check the official call.

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