Gunetta Sagan Award for Women’s and Children’s rights

Deadline: 01/10/2010

Amnesty International USA has launched the call for nominations for its 2011 Ginetta Sagan Award for Women’s and Children’s Rights. The award is “is to recognize and assist women who are working to protect the liberty and lives of women and children in areas where human rights violations are widespread. The 2011 award will be given to a woman who works on behalf of the human rights of women and children.” It not only provides recognition but also serves as a beacon of hope for other women working for the promotion and protection of human rights around the world.


*The nominee should be the founder and/or executive director of an organization; she should be under threat due to her activism; she should have been proven to be effective at addressing human rights issues; should have brought about significant change in her country, region or issue through her work; and she should not be a political party leader or government official/employee.



Nomination Guidelines

*Letter of nomination

*Two letters of recomendation

*Supporting matterials

send everything to:

Email: or

The Ginetta Sagan Fund
c/o Amnesty International USA
350 Sansome Street, Suite 210
San Francisco, California 94104

For more info click here

Submission deadline is October 1st, 2010.

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