PhD Studentship, Imperial College London

Deadline: December 2010
Open to: excellent student with a background in Engineering, Physics or Applied Maths
Fund:£15,590 per year

Development of a Heap Leaching Simulator for the Minerals Industry Imperial College London, Department of Earth Science and Engineering, Phd Studentship. Heap leaching is a process for extracting metals from ores. It is rapidly increasing in its usage due to lower operating and capital costs compared to more conventional extraction methods.This project will involve integrating a novel continuum description for the unsaturated flow of liquid through a packed bed with models for mass transport, reaction kinetics and heat flow within the heap in order to produce an overall simulation of the process.


*A C/C++ programming ability is essential and it is highly desirable that the candidate has a background in fluid dynamics

*excellent students with a background in Engineering, Physics or Applied Maths


*£15,590 per year

Application Process

*Complete college online application form including CV & supporting statement (where possible please indicate your chosen project & supervisor)

*For more info about the application procedure click here

Submission deadline is December 2010.

For more info click here.

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