TC “Inclusion through Non-Formal Education” in Serbia

Deadline: 5 November 2015
Open to: youth workers who have basic competences in using NFE  from Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Croatia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Spain, Slovenia, France, Bulgaria, Turkey, Austria, Poland, Italy, Estonia, and Romania
Venue: 10-18 January 2016, Novi Sad, Serbia


CROP is non-governmental and non-profit association, founded in 2013, establishing of its goals in the field of civil society empowerment: promotion of human rights and civil society strengthening, support of educational and legal reforms, environmental protection and raising awareness about ecology, development of rural areas and support of small entrepreneurship.

The training course: “Inclusion through Non-Formal Education” will be held in Novi Sad, Serbia in January 2016.

This course is designed for those youth workers who have basic competences in using NFE and working with inclusion, but need to fine tune their competences in order to ensure quality development of every participant of theirs during the NFE activities they lead. The course is developed for youth workers and trainers willing to plan, prepare and lead NFE and experiential learning activities for social inclusion.


Project will gather 31 participants, trainers and staff from 16 organisations and countries Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Croatia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Spain, Slovenia, France, Bulgaria, Turkey, Austria, Poland, Italy, Estonia, and Romania fulfilling the following criteria:

  • Age above 18;
  • To be active youth workers willing to apply and multiply the knowledge received on this TC;
  • Willing to take action in the field of NFE for inclusion (of youth);
  • Willing to share the new knowledge with the members of his/her organization once he/she gets back;
  • Able to work in English;
  • Able to attend the entire duration of the course.


Travel costs will be reimbursed only for the cheapest way of transport and preferably for the return tickets. You will be reimbursed with at least of 70% of your travel costs. Accommodation and food costs in the hostel are covered by the organizers.


In order to apply you will have to fill in the online application form latest by 5 November 2015.

For more information please visit the official call.

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