“Support to Human Rights Defenders” Proposals

Deadline: 03/09/2010

The European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) is the main financing instrument of the European Union adopted by the European Parliament and the Council for the promotion of democracy and human rights around the world. This instrument works “to contribute to the development and consolidation of democracy and the rule of law as well as to the respect for all human rights and fundamental freedoms, within the framework of the European Union’s policy on development cooperation with third countries and consistently with the EU’s foreign policy as a whole.”

Call for proposals:

The EIDHR has now launched a call for proposals for civil society organizations, NGOs, nonprofit entities etc to extend grants funding to them for the support of human rights defenders. This “Support to Human Rights Defenders” call for proposals has been launched for all countries around to world “to contribute to the promotion and protection of human rights and democracy through the support to human rights defenders (HRDs)” as part of the EIDHAR Strategy Paper 2007-2010.

The main aims of this call for proposals are:

* To provide short and long-term direct financial, material and other forms of support and protection to human rights defenders, including to those living outside the capitals and in remote areas.
* To support and reinforce the capacities of human rights defenders, including those living in remote areas, to carry out their human rights work and to increase their organisational and financial capacities with a view of ensuring the sustainability of their actions in the future.
* To increase the awareness among defenders of international and regional mechanisms and instruments to protect human rights defenders such as the EU Guidelines, including among those living in remote areas.
* To contribute to break the isolation and social exclusion of human rights defenders in their communities by sensitising national and international public opinion about their work and role in the promotion and defence of human rights and by reinforcing their capacities in networking with other human rights civil society organisations on an international, regional and national level.


* Civil society organisations, including non-governmental organisations, independent political foundations, community based organisations, and private sector agencies, institutions and organisations and networks thereof at local, national, regional and international level” are eligible to apply under this call for proposals (they should be directly responsible for implementation of the proposed projects).
* Applicants submitting project proposals under the EIDHR “Support to Human Rights Defenders” call for proposals 2010 are required to have partnerships with one local partner atleast. However, when under certain circumstances, this may not be possible, proper justification has to be given. Partnership can be formal or informal.

Application process:

* This is a restricted call for proposals and only concept notes have to be submitted initially. Before doing so, applicants should be registered in the PADOR system.
* The full application documents
will be requested later after the evaluation of the concept notes.

The deadline to submit concept notes is 3 September 2010 at the following e-mail address:


The full application documents should be submitted to the aforementioned e-mail address as well (the deadline for the submission of the Full Application Forms will be indicated in the letter sent to the pre-selected applicants).

For any further queries contact: EuropeAid-GlobalCalls@ec.europa.eu

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