Deadline: 30 November 2022
Open to: writers about climate change
Benefits: $20,000 each to three writers to support revision of a feature screenplay or pilot that engages with climate change


The Black List is thrilled to announce that it has once again partnered with NRDC’s (Natural Resources Defense Council) Rewrite the Future program, The Redford Center, and The CAA Foundation to launch a second iteration of the NRDC Climate Storytelling Fellowship.

To be considered for the fellowship, applicants have to submit a script. The script can be in any genre but climate change and solutions must drive action and affect choices made by characters. Once selected, the fellows will receive professional feedback on their scripts. After receiving these consultations, fellows will have three (3) months to complete a revision of their script. Revised scripts will be assessed for development potential by at least one studio executive and may include a studio meeting.

At the end of the Fellowship, each recipient will provide a designated representative of the NRDC with a revised version of their script along with a short reflection on how the grant has been used to advance their work and/or impacted their career.


In order to apply for the fellowship, the script MUST include climate in the story in a meaningful way that involves major character(s), events and plot or subplot(s). The climate angle should be more than just a backdrop or setting. More information about the submission requirements can be found here.


The Fellowship will grant $20,000 each to three writers to support revision of a feature screenplay or pilot that engages with climate change in a meaningful way through events, actions, character, emotions, plot, and/or setting. In addition, NRDC will connect each fellowship recipient with the professionals for feedback and guidance on their scripts.


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