Laskaridis Ph.D. Fellowship in Modern Greek Studies

Deadline: 15 April 2021
Open to: candidates with Master’s degree
Benefits: a stipend of €1.200 per month


With the aim to promote Greek history and letters, and to strengthen the academic research carried out at the Marilena Laskaridis Chair of Modern Greek Studies at the University of Amsterdam, the Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundations announces one (1) doctoral fellowship in the field of Modern Greek Studies.

The fellowship is for a period of 3 years (starting date: September 2021 – December 2021). The selected applicant will pursue his/her doctoral research in English in the Faculty of Humanities, under the supervision of the Marilena Laskaridis Chair of Modern Greek Studies at the University of Amsterdam.


To be considered eligible for this fellowship, the following criteria apply:
• A Master’s (or equivalent) degree with distinction in a field relevant to the proposed PhD project. The Master’s degree should be granted with a GPA of at least 8/10 (for Greek and Dutch universities) or the equivalent thereof for other universities.
Candidates may apply if they have not yet completed their Master’s degree only if they provide a signed letter from their MA thesis supervisor or their university’s administration stating that they will graduate before 1 September 2021.
• Excellent command of English.
• Excellent research skills.
• Full application documents submitted by the provided deadline (April 15, 2021), including a research proposal within one of the fields or themes listed.
• Applicants cannot already be enrolled or employed as Ph.D. candidates at the University of Amsterdam or elsewhere.


The fellowship offers a stipend of €1.200 per month (with a total of €43.200 for the period of three years) by the Laskaridis Foundation with the purpose of covering accommodation, research-related travel, and other living expenses during the period of the doctoral research. The candidate’s progress is evaluated at the end of each year by the supervisors and research school: upon a positive evaluation, the fellowship is renewed for the next year.


For more information please visit the official website.