Next Generation Social Sciences in Africa: Post-Doctoral Writing Fellowship

Deadline: 1 February 2021

Open to: citizens of any sub-Saharan African country that hold a doctorate degree

Benefits: stipend of up to US$3,000


The Social Science Research Council offers fellowships to support the completion of doctoral degrees and to promote next generation social science research in Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, and Uganda. The fellowships support dissertation research on peace, security, and development topics.

The program features a thematic focus on peace, security, and development in order to renew basic research agendas and strengthen interdisciplinary social science research capacity addressing these issues.

The program encourages innovative research on peace, security, and development topics, moving the boundaries of scholarship and research by exploring concrete linkages between these themes. They envision supporting a diverse set of projects that shed light on a range of economic, political, social, conflict and peacebuilding processes using evidence-based research.

Some projects, they hope, will examine large-scale phenomena and others small-scale social processes. The strongest projects typically will explore connections across these scales. Some research projects will rigorously explore elements of governance, civil society, human rights, peacebuilding mechanisms/institutions and processes, and rule of law. Others will explore root causes of conflict, human insecurity, emerging trajectories and forms of conflict, insecurities, and human mobilities. Above all projects should advance important fields of study and social science knowledge.


Applicants must:

  • be citizens of any sub-Saharan African country.
  • hold a doctorate degree from an accredited university in Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, or Uganda.
  • be a past recipient of at least one Next Generation Social Sciences Doctoral Dissertation fellowship.
  • be prepared to take no less than three-month leave away from routine teaching and administrative duties in current role.
  • affiliated to an academic department in Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, or Uganda at the of award.


The post-doctoral writing fellowship supports up to six months of completing an article or book manuscript through a stipend of up to US$3,000. It will enable the recipient to buy time off from teaching and administrative duties to focus exclusively on finalizing an article for a peer-reviewed journal or completing a book manuscript based on a Next Gen-supported doctoral dissertation that advances research on peace, security, and development. This fellowship is exclusively available for Next Gen alumni.


For more information, visit the official website.

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