Grants for Production of Video Content “Video Plus”

Deadline: 14 February 2020
Open to: registered TV or online outlets in Albania, BiH, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Kosovo, or Serbia with at least 1 year of experience on the media market
Benefits: each selected partner will receive grants of up to USD 6,000


Internews is launching a new call for grants “Video Plus” as part of the project “Strengthening Independent Media in Europe and Eurasia,” a regional media support initiative in Eastern Europe, the Balkans, and the Caucasus that aims to increase citizens’ access to reliable information about local, regional, and international issues of public importance through support to the independent media sector. The grants would fund production of video/short documentaries.

The program will support production of video content (ex. reports, caption video, mini-documentaries, video for social networks. etc.) covering different topics of public interest. Partners of “Video Plus” initiative will be selected by a group of experts, based on open competition.


The contest will be open to licensed media outlets (TV, radio, online outlets, etc.) from the following countries – Albania, BiH, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Kosovo, and Serbia. Individual applications, as well as co-productions (between media outlets in one country or media partners from several eligible countries) are acceptable.

·    Applicants must be a registered TV or online outlets in Albania, BiH, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Kosovo, or Serbia;
·    At least 1 year of experience on the media market,
·    Proven ability to reach audience (monthly average of website users, etc.).,
·    Proven ability to produce video materials, accompanied by published samples (at least 2),
·    Proven reputation and respect for professional ethics,
·    Flexibility and ability to work under the pressure of deadlines.


Each selected partner will receive grants of up to USD 6,000 each to produce 3 video stories/ short documentaries. This amount will cover production expenses, salaries, and other relevant costs.

How to Apply?

Candidates will submit the application form which will contain the following information:
·    General presentation of the participating outlet(s), including a portfolio with at least 3 materials on topics in the public interest (only applications with sample multimedia materials will be analyzed. The application may include other types of materials as well, if they illustrate the relevant expertise of the participant);
·    CVs of the authors/team that will be involved in production of video stories/ short documentaries;
·    Video stories/ short documentaries pitches (brief description of the future materials, videos formatted for different media platforms, in the primary aim of appealing to newer demographics, as well as engaging existing ones)
·    Budget for production of the video stories/ short documentaries, including salary costs;
·    Copy of business registration certificate;

Offers shall be emailed in English language to

For more information, and how to apply, please visit the official website.