International Biennial Print Exhibit: 2020 R.O.C.

Deadline: 5 February 2020
Open to: worldwide artists
Awards: various cash prizes for winners


Established in 1983, the International Biennial Print Exhibit R.O.C is one of the longest-running international print exhibitions in the world today. The mission of the event is to promote international cultural exchange and to strengthen the mutual understanding of artistic values between the East and the West. The exhibition also gathers up the crème de la crème of works created by printmakers from around the world, which in turn elevates the practices and standards of printmaking artistry in our own country. The cumulative effect of these decades of effort has garnered an enthusiastic response and support from international printmakers. The biennial event has not only contributed to Taiwanese printmaking creativity and practices but has also attained a level of respect and affirmation as a main international event in printmaking art.

Over the years, the International Biennial Print Exhibit R.O.C has provided a broad platform for domestic and international printmakers. The colliding of creative printmaking concepts along with developments in creative techniques and the emergence of digitalization has brought about a shift in traditional printmaking content and methods of expression. These changes in the appearance of traditional printmaking display a different artistic characteristic. Coupled with the reflections of contemporary artists on socials concerns expressed in their work, print art has entered a new era. The exhibition also serves as a bridge connecting Taiwanese artists to the world international printmaking and has nurtured many excellent printmaking talents. The process of the event: a call for submissions, organizing the exhibition as well as art seminars, greatly boosts the production and development of printmaking in Taiwan.


  1. No registration fees are required. Worldwide artists are eligible to take part. All entries must be original prints on paper. The work must be completed in or after 2017, wholly original and have not been entered the previous International Biennial Print Exhibit R.O.C. competitions;
  2. All works submitted must be original pieces of art that meet the “indirect” and “multiple” characteristics of print, either based on transfer printing or printmaking. (All printmaking techniques, including monotypes and digital prints, are accepted.);
  3. A signature must be made either on the printed side or the back of the artwork, noting the print edition and year of creation. The signature must be clear and discernable, and the artwork must NOT be framed.


All selected and awarded works are scheduled to be displayed at the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts from July to September 2020.


  • Gold Prize (1) – Certificate and prize money of around USD 13100.05
  • Silver Prize (1) – Certificate and prize money of around USD 6550.02
  • Bronze Prize (1) –  Certificate and prize money of around USD 3275.01
  • Special Jury Prize (2) – Certificate and prize money of around USD 2620 (each)
  • Merit Prize (5) – Certificate and prize money of around USD 1637.50 (each)
  • Honorable Mention (5) – Certificate and prize money of around USD 982.50 (each)
  1. International winners of the Merit Prize, Special Jury Prize and the top three prizes will each be offered a round-trip flight ticket on economy class via the shortest possible route and five days of accommodation and meals, so that they can attend the opening ceremony and final awards presentation. Winners who are Taiwanese nationals will also be invited to give public lectures and to participate in various round-table discussions or illustration activities organized by the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts. Domestic winners will be offered with transport fees and five days of accommodation and meals, too.
  2. Each of the selected artists, including the prize winners, will receive a Prize Certificate and a copy of the International Biennial Print Exhibit: 2020 R.O.C. exhibition catalogue.
  3. The prize money will be subject to legally-established tax deductions of 10 percent for Taiwanese nationals and 20 percent for non-nationals.

How to apply?

In order to apply, please send all submissions on the following addresses:

Office of the International Biennial Print Exhibit: 2020 R.O.C. National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts

No. 2, Sec. 1, Wu-Chuan W. Road, Taichung 40359, Taiwan, R. O. C.

Tel: +886-4-2372 3552 ext. 703 or 702 Fax: +886-4-2375-4730


  • Read the regulations here.

For more information, please visit the official web page.