Enhancing Democracy through Gender Equality

Deadline: 27 July 2018
Open to: all registered CSOs, identifying as a women’s grassroots organization active in the field of human rights and gender equality in the five municipalities: Veles, Kavadarci, Demir Kapija, Sveti Nikole, and Negotino
Grant: the maximum amount that will be given to a single sub-grantee is 15 000 EUR; the maximum total amount re-granted will be 75 000 EUR


This call for applications is part of the project “Enhancing Democracy through Gender Equality, functioning mechanisms and a vibrant civil society”. The 24-month project (2nd April 2018 – 31st March 2020) contributes to strengthened democracy, greater respect
for human rights and a more fully developed state under the rule of law, specifically through support to a more vibrant civil society in five municipalities: Veles, Kavadarci, Demir Kapija, Sveti Nikole, and Negotino. The action seeks to strengthen awareness of Civil Society organizations (CSOs) and Commissions of Equal Opportunities (CEOs) in the targeted municipalities regarding gender equality and women’s rights, as well as to increase their contribution to the implementation of legislation and relevant policies on these issues. The action also foresees to establish a forum for networking and cooperation among these different actors. The overall objective of the action is to create an enabling environment for the implementation of the Law on Equal Opportunities and gender mainstreaming on a policy level.

This call provides the opportunity of financial cooperation and support to five (5) local women’s civil society organizations (WCSOs) active in the field of human rights and gender equality in the five municipalities: Veles, Kavadarci, Demir Kapija, Sveti Nikole and Negotino and also organizations from the East region. Sub-granting will enable the financial environment that supports the sustainability of women’s grassroots’ CSOs while ensuring that they perform independently as watchdogs. Sub-granting will further increase the ownership and sustainability of any activities undertaken within the project.

The sub-grants will run for the period of maximum 18 months, depending on the types of activities proposed in the successful applications. The projects will need to start no later than 1st of September 2018 and will need to end no later than 29th of February 2020.


All registered CSOs, identifying as a women’s grassroots organization active in the field of human rights and gender equality in the five municipalities: Veles, Kavadarci, Demir Kapija, Sveti Nikole, and Negotino and also organizations from the East region are invited to apply to this Call.

 More specifically, the criteria to be an eligible CSO for sub-granting are:

– being a registered women’s CSO that has existed and carried out projects in its local community: Veles, Kavadarci, Demir Kapija, Sveti Nikole and Negotino for at least the past two years;
– being a non-profit-making CSO operating on an independent and accountable basis;
– having the capacity to implement the sub-granted project in accordance with Kvinna till Kvinna’s policy for assessing potential partner organizations;
– having innovative and realistic ideas on how to contribute to the goals of the proposal.

The project applications eligible for financial support may include activities concerning:
– Monitoring of implementation of gender equality and women’s human rights legislation and policy at the local/community level;
– Advocacy towards relevant duty-bearers, based on monitoring findings;
– Public forums to discuss the advantages of gender equality in society;
– Networking and cooperation with other CSOs and duty-bearers for gender equality and women’s rights at the local level;
– Local campaigns and awareness-raising activities regarding women’s rights and gender equality;
– Service delivery actions contributing to promotion and advancement of gender equality.


  • The criteria for determining the exact amount of financial support will be based on the presented budget of the sub-grantee, its feasibility, and any overhead costs;
  • All costs will need to comply with EU and Kvinna till Kvinna guidelines and regulations;
  • The maximum amount that will be given to a single sub-grantee is 15 000 EUR;
  • The maximum total amount re-granted will be 75 000 EUR. Please be aware that VAT is not considered as an eligible cost.

How to apply?

The sub-grantees will need to use Kvinna till Kvinna’s project templates developed for the needs of this project. The project templates and the instructions can be found at the following link.

The applications should be submitted in English, electronically to Kvinna till Kvinna’s office in Skopje. All official communication related to
this Call will be through the following email: skopje@kvinnatillkvinna.se. Please use “Sub-granting/name of your CSO” as the subject.

For more information, please read the official call.