International Compost Awareness Week 2018 Poster Contest

Deadline: 06 November 2017
Open to: anyone who wishes to share their artistic creativity
Award: USD 500 prize and the winning poster will be used to promote International Compost Awareness Week


The International Compost Awareness Week Committee invites you to get involved in ICAW 2018 and participate in the 16th Annual Poster Contest.

This year the competition theme is Compost! Building a Better Future.


The Theme is based on how compost is good for plants, people and our planet – it’s good for our future. Our world has to press environmental and economic threats with water shortages, energy challenges, climate change and depletion of natural resources. There is VALUE in what some call waste and each of us can do something to help. By coming together with a global voice that promotes compost, International Compost Awareness Week is a call to action – composting is good for the environment and for our future, no matter where you live! Through composting, we keep organic matter out of landfills, feed and improve soil health and minimize chemical use. Together we can create a global conservation plan that converts organics wastes into resources. “Compost – Building a Better Future – for plants, people, and our planet.

There are three (3) contest divisions: grades 3-7, grades 8-12, and college – adult. The best from each division will be entered into the final contest.


  • The successful poster winner will receive a USD 500 prize and the winning poster will be used to promote International Compost Awareness Week, 6—12 May, 2018;
  • The poster contest winner will have his/her poster reproduced and distributed to thousands in USA. It will be the official 2018 International Compost Awareness Week poster and featured on the CCREF website, as well as on the US Composting Council website.

How to Apply?

You must complete the entry form application and checklist, and submit your poster via email to: with “Poster Contest – Name of artist” in the subject line. A short paragraph on why you chose to participate in ICAW 2018 and explanation of your poster concept must be included with your email submission

In order to apply fill the aplication form.

For questions, please send an email to

For more information please visit the official website.

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