Seminar: EVS Turn ON in Algrave, Portugal

Deadline: 14 August 2017
Open to: participants coming from Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Greece, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain
Venue: Algrave, Portugal, 5-12 October 2017


The EVS Turn ON seminar will provide space to exchange good practices, success stories, learning experiences of the organizations that have been working with EVS volunteers.

With gathering the success stories and showing the impact the projects have achieved, the aim is to inspire the actors of the EVS projects as well as at improving the learning quality of the future EVS projects.

The objectives of the seminar are:

  • Creation of space for the exchange of practices, ideas, procedures, stories related to EVS;
  • Creation of an electronic booklet with success stories promoting EVS but also inspiring future quality projects, called “The Magic of EVS”;
  • Peer and group learning of the participants;
  • Space for the creation of partnerships within EVS;
  • Empowering through analysis of the opportunities given by EVS in the frame of learning and service.

This seminar is part of a project consisting of two activities (a training course, already implemented, and the seminar) complementing each other, addressing quality management of EVS projects with a focus on the support system towards the EVS volunteers.

The training course was implemented from 19th to 26th June 2017 in Faro, Portugal with the aim of developing the competences of the coordinators, supervisors and mentors (EVS support staff) on how they can enhance the learning and developing experience throughout the different stages of EVS projects’ cycle on personal, organizational and community levels.

Therefore, some participants of the TC wil also take part in the Seminar, but due to the difference of the objectives between the two activities, at the moment we are searching for participants from all the 8 countries that are included in the project as we want the Seminar to have participants representing the maximum number of NGO’s possible


The target group of participants are people who have experience with EVS projects in the roles of either Coordinators (Responsible of Projects), Mentors, Supervisors (Tutors/Task related support person) or ex-EVS volunteers.

Willing and committed to participate in 100% of the programme of activities and committed to be active in activities before (contact and online get to know) and after the event (long term evaluation and feedback).


  • This project is financed by the Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme;
  • Accommodation and food is provided by organizers and free of charge for the participants;
  • Participants shall be reimbursed for their travel expenses up to the amount available for their countries and no more than their real costs;
  • The amounts have been calculated using the distance calculator of the European Commission from the location of each sending organization to the venue;
  • Should the travel expenses exceed the contribution available, participants shall cover the extra costs from own resources.

Max amount of refund (per participant):

  • Portugal – 20€;
  • Spain – 275€;
  • Bulgaria, Greece, Czech Republic, Romania, Poland – 360€;
  • Lithuania – 530€.

Participation in the seminar is free of charge.

How to apply?

Interested applicants should proceed to the online application form.

Organizers of the seminar are ECOS – Cooperativa de Educação, Cooperação e Desenvolvimento – NGO and  Associação Liláz – NGO. 

Contact for questions: Carlos Reis, e-mail:

For more information please visit the official website.

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