Regard sur mon voisin: Photography Artist Residency

Deadline: 21 May 2017
Open to: young photographers
Award: exhibition in Podgorica, Montenegro


RYCO was inaugurated on the July 4th 2016 in Paris, during the Western Balkans Summit. It seeks to create friendship bonds among young nationals from its member states, in order to stimulate mutual acknowledgment, tolerance, and diversity.

A Call for candidatures will be launched in each participant country, in a partnership with art schools, French Institutes, Alliance Françaises, in order to select one young photographer in each country.


  • Candidates must be amateur or professional photographers;
  • Aged between 18 – 30 years old;
  • Nationality: Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia;
  • The artists must have their own photography equipment. 


This photographer will be invited to an 11-day residency (plus round trip) within one of the neighbor participant countries and to produce a visual testimonial about this experience and about this explored country.

The outcome of this six residencies will be a common exhibition in Podgorica. Those young photographers will be invited to Podgorica (Montenegro) to present an exhibition of their works.

How to apply?

In order to apply, please fill the application.

Also, you will need:

  • Copy of Passport;
  • CV and short biography in French or English;
  • Cover letter (in French or English);
  • A portfolio of previous photography works (5 Mb maximum or link to online portfolio).

For more information please visit the official web page.

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