Summer German Language Courses

Deadline: 20 March 2017
Open to: students and young academics from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia and Ukraine
Cost: course fee, accommodation and a food allowance


Students and young academics from Central, Eastern- and Southeastern Europe are invited to apply for Summer School Grants at the University of Regensburg. These scholarships are available for pursuing summer courses of the German language in Bavaria. BAYHOST is the Bavarian Academic Center for Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe.
They promote academic exchange between Bavaria and countries in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe including Russia. The University of Regensburg is a public research university located in the medieval city of Regensburg, Bavaria, a city that listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.


Students and young academics from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia (FYROM), Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia and Ukraine with basic German knowledge (at least A2-level) are eligible to apply for the summer school grants for the German language in Bava


The scholarships include the course fee, accommodation and a food allowance at a Bavarian University.

How to Apply?

  • Apply using the online application form and submit the following documents by Post;
  • Letter of motivation concerning your participation in a German language course in Bavaria (1-2 pages, in German or English); 
  • A tabular CV in German or English with a recent photo;
  • Proof of previous exams and grades (i.e. an overview of your grades, e.g. university transcript);
  • Proof that you are currently enrolled/employed at a university in your home country (i.e. copy of current transcript or student ID/copy of your working contract); 
  • A photocopy of your passport or ID-card;
  • Proof of German proficiency of at least A2-level (any certificate/letter proving your German knowledge will be sufficient); 
  • Optional: proof of internships or voluntary work (These documents are not obligatory, but it would be good to include them if you have such an experience.);

Please do not send the originals of these documents, but copies only. You do not need to have them translated or certified legally.
Please send your documents to the following address:
BAYHOST, Stichwort:”Sommersprachkursbewerbung“
Application documents sent to them by fax or email will not be considered!

More information on the official website

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